Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Astronauts might have to abandon space station

FILE - This May 23, 2011 file photo released by NASA, shows the International Space Station flying at an altitude of approximately 220 miles, in an image taken by Expedition 27 crew member Paolo Nespoli from the Soyuz TMA-20 following its undocking. Astronauts may need to temporarily abandon the International Space Station this fall if last week's Russian launch accident prevents new crews from flying, a NASA official said Monday. (AP Photo/NASA, Paolo Nespoli)

FILE - This May 23, 2011 file photo released by NASA, shows the International Space Station flying at an altitude of approximately 220 miles, in an image taken by Expedition 27 crew member Paolo Nespoli from the Soyuz TMA-20 following its undocking. Astronauts may need to temporarily abandon the International Space Station this fall if last week's Russian launch accident prevents new crews from flying, a NASA official said Monday. (AP Photo/NASA, Paolo Nespoli)

In this Sat., Aug. 27, 2011 photo provided by NASA and taken from aboard the international space station by astronaut Ron Garan, the sun rises above above the earth in one of the sixteen sunrises astronauts see each day. This sunrise image shows the rising sun as the space station flew along a path between Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina. (AP Photo/NASA)

FILE - This May 23, 2011 photo made by Expedition 27 crew member Paolo Nespoli from the Soyuz TMA-20 following its undocking and released by NASA shows the International Space Station and the docked space shuttle Endeavour, left. Astronauts may need to temporarily abandon the International Space Station this fall if last week's Russian launch accident prevents new crews from flying, a NASA official said Monday, Aug. 29, 2011. If Russia's essential Soyuz rockets remain grounded beyond mid-November, there will be no way to launch any more astronauts before the current residents are supposed to leave, said NASA's space station program manager, Mike Suffredini. A space station supply ship was destroyed last week following liftoff from Kazakhstan. (AP Photo/NASA, Paolo Nespoli)

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ? Astronauts may need to take the unprecedented step of temporarily abandoning the International Space Station if last week's Russian launch accident prevents new crews from flying there this fall.

Until officials figure out what went wrong with Russia's essential Soyuz rockets, there will be no way to launch any more astronauts before the current residents have to leave in mid-November.

The unsettling predicament comes just weeks after NASA's final space shuttle flight.

"We have plenty of options," NASA's space station program manager, Mike Suffredini, assured reporters Monday. "We'll focus on crew safety as we always do."

Abandoning the space station, even for a short period, would be an unpleasant last resort for the world's five space agencies that have spent decades working on the project. Astronauts have been living aboard the space station since 2000, and the goal is to keep it going until 2020.

Suffredini said flight controllers could keep a deserted space station operating indefinitely, as long as all major systems are working properly. The risk to the station goes up, however, if no one is on board to fix equipment breakdowns.

Six astronauts from three countries presently are living on the orbiting complex. Three are due to leave next month; the other three are supposed to check out in mid-November. They can't stay any longer because of spacecraft and landing restrictions.

The Sept. 22 launch of the very next crew ? the first to fly in this post-shuttle era ? already has been delayed indefinitely. Russia's Soyuz spacecraft have been the sole means of getting full-time station residents up and down for two years. The capsule is parked at the station until they ride it home.

To keep the orbiting outpost with a full staff of six for as long as possible, the one American and two Russians due to return to Earth on Sept. 8 will remain on board at least an extra week.

As for supplies, the space station is well stocked and could go until next summer, Suffredini said. Atlantis dropped off a year's supply of goods just last month on the final space shuttle voyage. The unmanned craft destroyed Wednesday was carrying 3 tons of supplies.

For now, operations are normal in orbit, Suffredini noted, and the additional week on board for half the crew will mean additional science research.

The Soyuz has been extremely reliable over the decades; this was the first failure in 44 Russian supply hauls for the space station. Even with such a good track record, many in and outside NASA were concerned about retiring the space shuttles before a replacement was ready to fly astronauts.

Russian space officials have set up an investigation team and until it comes up with a cause for the accident and a repair plan, the launch and landing schedules remain in question. None of the spacecraft debris has been recovered yet; the wreckage fell into a remote, wooded section of Siberia. The third stage malfunctioned; a sudden loss of pressure apparently was noted between the engine and turbopump.

While a crew may well have survived such an accident because of safety precautions built into the manned version of the rocket, no one wants to take any chances.

One or two unmanned Soyuz launches are on tap for October, one commercial and the other another space station supply run. Those would serve as important test flights before putting humans on board, Suffredini said.

NASA considered vacating the space station before, following the space shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003. Back then, shuttles were still being used to ferry some station residents back and forth. Instead, the station got by with two-man crews for three years because of the significant cutback in supplies.

The space station's population doubled in 2009, to six. It wasn't until the space station was completed this year that science research finally took priority.

Even if the space shuttles still were flying, space station crews still would need Soyuz-launched capsules to serve as lifeboats, Suffredini said. The capsules are certified for no more than 6? months in space, thus the need to regularly rotate crews. Complicating matters is the need to land the capsules during daylight hours in Kazakhstan, resulting in weeks of blackout periods.

NASA wants American private companies to take over crew hauls, but that's three to five years away at best. Until then, Soyuz capsules are the only means of transporting astronauts to the space station.

Japan and Europe have their own cargo ships and rockets, for unmanned use only. Commercial front-runner Space Exploration Technologies Corp., or SpaceX, plans to launch a space station supply ship from Cape Canaveral at the end of November. That would be put on hold if no one is on board to receive the vessel.

Suffredini said he hasn't had time to consider the PR impact of abandoning the space station, especially coming so soon after the end of the 30-year shuttle program.

"Flying safely is much, much more important than anything else I can think about right this instant," he said. "I'm sure we'll have an opportunity to discuss any political implications if we spend a lot of time on the ground. But you know, we'll just have to deal with them because we're going to do what's safest for the crew and for the space station."




Associated Press


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Health Care Credit :: Small Business Tax Credit

The recent health care reform may have you wondering exactly how you as a small business owner can benefit.

Starting in 2010 businesses who pay at least half of their employees health insurance may be allowed to take a small business tax credit.

It?s possible that you may be able to get a tax credit for up to 35% of the premiums that you pay for your employees health insurance.

If you?re a non-profit organization the potential credit that you may qualify for is slightly lower. The maximum potential credit for a not for profit business is 25% of paid premiums.

It?s important to understand who the IRS considers small business employers regarding qualifying for this credit. In this case a small business employer would be one that employees less than twenty-five employees and the salaries paid aren?t very high.

If you qualify to take this health insurance credit you?ll file it under general business credits on your return.

If you?re an non-profit business that?s tax exempt you must have your tax preparer contact the IRS directly in order to figure out exactly how to file your taxes and take this credit.

We should proceed with this piece of writing. Now if you?re a business owner and you don?t hire employees it?s very likely that you do not qualify for this particular tax credit. You should consult with an experience tax professional to determine what if any credit you qualify for under this tax rule. You should also check with you tax expert whether or not hiring family members would fulfill the employee requirement for the purpose of this credit. This may help you as an entrepreneur because you can hire your spouse or children.

The important thing to remember is to not make any assumptions and check with the IRS or your tax expert so that you avoid any potential problems on the tax returns.

John Whitmore is a financial planner author of 2 e-books on small business tax reduction strategies. Get a free copy of his Special report ?Secret Tax Loopholes Revealed? go to


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Discover new ideas for art lessons, preschool | News about Arts-and ...

August 30, 2011 at 12:33 pm?-?Views: 4

Discover New Ideas of Painting Classes for Preschool By Clara C. Berta As a teacher are you tired of thinking about completely new choices for the painting classes? Are you running out of fun painting processes to teach your class? Are you feeling that your pupils are beginning to become bored with your painting lessons? Well, relax a bit simply because this write-up will help fix your painting issues. You will see new strategies on steps to make your course fun for the young children. It?s well known that young children have a short attention span so, it is very important to create entertaining, easy and simple painting projects. Furthermore, understand that young children love to make a mess. So, if the painting ventures tend to be messy after that your students can have interest. Help your very young children convey their imagination with a finger-painting exercise. Listed below are 5 quick and easy concepts of painting project which you might prefer to use in your class. Let?s start. An excellent painting task is sponge painting. You need to have no less than five sponges based on the scale your class. Trim the sponge in several styles. If you have a large sponge it is possible to cut more than one big shape or numerous little shapes. It?s at your discretion, there isn?t any wrong or right on this project. As soon as you?ve carried out with your sponge dump your paint into a bowl. Instruct your preschoolers to soak one end of the sponge in to the bowl. You will see one part of the sponge is going to be covered in paint and also the other side will be clear. Position the coated part of the sponge onto the white paper to make an image. Large Group Painting ? You can teach your kids to be able to blend 2 primary colors. Simply put 2 primary colors on the table (take note, this can be dirty so make sure other furniture are covered) and teach them to blend the colors. Fingerprint project ? Inspire your preschoolers to create a picture by using their fingerprint. This can be achieved by putting paint into a bowl and have your preschoolers to put their index finger in the bowl and start creating images over the white sheet of paper. They could make fingerprint bouquets by arranging five or six prints in a petal structure, or create fingerprint bugs by using markers to draw antennae and legs after the paint dries from a single fingerprint. Potato Painting ? Potato painting can be something different. You will need to prep the material before you give the potatoes to your preschoolers. First you will be needing a minimum of five potatoes you can use more based on what size your class is. Slice the potatoes into half and carve little shapes on the inner part of the potato. Put paint into a bowl of and also have your preschoolers pat carved portion of the potato in to the bowl and press the potato on the white paper. So, teacher, now that you have new concepts for your painting classes make sure you apply it at school. Just remember to make your painting project exciting, easy and simple for your young children. But if you?d like their attention select the messy projects. Good Luck! Clara Berta gives one of the best film location Los Angeles. Architecture and art sum up Clara?s amazing talent. Article Source: Discover New Ideas of Painting Classes for Preschool

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Human brain hardwired to tune into animals

Years of either running from or running after animals left its mark in the human brain ? even just looking at a photo of an animal jolts our brains into action.

No matter how high tech and urban we may become, animals continue to affect our brains like no other person, place or thing, shows new research in the latest issue of Nature Neuroscience.

Co-author Ralph Adolphs explained to Discovery News "that it is important for the brain to be able to rapidly detect animals. The reasons for this are probably several, but would likely include the need to avoid predators and catch prey."

"These abilities are at once critically important to survival and yet very difficult to do," added Adolphs, a professor of psychology, neuroscience and biology at the California Institute of Technology. "Both predator and prey detection requires fast, real-time detection of shapes that are often camouflaged in a cluttered environment."

Adolphs, project leader Florian Mormann, and their colleagues recorded how the brains of 41 neurosurgical patients undergoing epilepsy monitoring responded to images of people, landmarks, animals or objects. During 111 experimental sessions, the researchers monitored the subjects' brain activity as they sat in bed while viewing about 100 images per session. The monitoring was quite precise, showing how even individual neurons reacted.

The scientists found that neurons in the right amygdala responded preferentially to pictures of animals, whether they were of cute little critters or threatening big beasts. The amygdalae are two almond-shaped groups of neurons located deep within the brain.

Mormann told Discovery News that the right amygdala "has previously been implicated in the processing both of stimuli that are aversive and of stimuli that are rewarding. During our evolutionary past, animals could have represented either predator (aversive) or prey (rewarding). In either case, their behavioral relevance was pretty high."

Outside of an experimental setting, humans, of course, don't just see animals. We hear them and they affect our other senses too. Although the study just involved photographs, the researchers suspect the amygdala would have also been jolted into action by animal calls.

Even though we may not feel particularly moved by animal images, the researchers say the resulting brain activity occurs at a conscious level. The researchers stop short of saying that animals inherently trigger our emotions, but it's possible that they do affect our fear and arousal responses in unique ways.

Prior studies have supported that early in vertebrate evolution, "the right brain hemisphere became specialized in dealing with unexpected and behaviorally relevant stimuli," Mormann said. This latest study strengthens that theory.

  1. More science news from MSNBC Tech & Science

    1. Lessons from Hurricane Irene

      Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: Experts are already absorbing the lessons learned from Hurricane Irene, about meteorology as well as risk perception and climate effects.

    2. Scientists: Dolphins seen using shells to catch fish
    3. Human brain hardwired to tune into animals
    4. Software taps human brains

The level of specialization is intense, especially considering how the human brain springs into action after just seeing a photo of an animal.

Animal images, Adolphs explained, "mobilize the brain's resources to process information about them. The amygdala helps us to detect that there is an animal out there, and we can then pay attention to it, encode it into memory and mount a behavior response."

For our early human ancestors, that response would likely have been to run for their lives, hide, admire, or go in for the dinner kill.

? 2011 Discovery Channel



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Business Continuity Teleconference Addressed Today?s Needs

An International Teleconference on the Topic of Business Continuity/ Disaster Recovery Planning was conducted yesterday under the sponsorship of The Advisory Council (TAC).

Norwalk, CT (PRWEB) December 10, 2005

An International Teleconference on the Topic of Business Continuity/ Disaster Recovery Planning was conducted yesterday under the sponsorship of The Advisory Council (TAC). The teleconference was presented by TAC Expert Ron Bleiberg, and provided a comprehensive perspective on business continuity planning.

In introducing the presenter, Peter S. Schay, TAC Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer said, ?This year?s headlines have left us sensitive to natural disaster. Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods seem to be ?every-other-week? events. At some point, we may have wondered what our own companies would look like the day after Katrina. This teleconference will address challenges ranging from nuclear destruction of a headquarters city to work stoppages.?

The hot issues addressed included:

-What is the most frequently overlooked, yet most crucial, part of a Business Continuity plan?

What are the key components of an Operational Continuity Plan? -How do you reduce ?we need to keep running? to an actionable availability statement?

-How do you recognize the people who will be needed to run your operations post-disaster?and address their survival and availability?

-How do you configure systems to run 24x365 year after year, and what does that cost?

-Who should run the recovery effort?

The Advisory Council (www. tacadvisory. com) represents "The Next Generation of IT Advisory Services," using a network of world-class experts. TAC's clients include the Global 2000, Government Agencies, Universities, and Mid-size Companies. TAC's innovative business model delivers actionable advice, customized with enterprise-leadership best practices. TAC focuses on helping IT leaders generate business value while advancing their careers.

FileOn, Division of VERTX SYSTEMS, LLC, is an Enterprise Document Management Solutions Company servicing Hospitals, City Government, Banks and Service Bureaus. FileOn solutions include: FileOn eLibrary Enterprise Suite, FileOn Integration Server, FileOn TransFORM Server.

Ronald Bleiberg, TAC Expert, has more than 25 years of experience in the areas of consulting management and delivery, disaster recovery planning, vital records protection programs, document management systems, and total quality management. He is VP, Products and Services, for FileOn, a document management software company. An internationally published author, he has designed and implemented Disaster Recovery and Security systems in public and government organizations. He can be contacted for interviews as a subject matter expert on those topics.

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Almost any dress might be transmuted perfectly into a bridal gown, in particular if you could have chosen to get created for any nontraditional topic. Here are a few the new year morning attire pertaining to wedding flowers using a distort.

In a traditional union event, you might be literally devoted to a selected look. In case you wear another than white colored, your mom will be uncomfortable. Your daddy won?t say yes to. As well as your grandfather and grandmother might jammed on their wine.

However these times couples have become creative. They are planning unions which will represent their own lifestyle. And tend to be not afraid to test around together with alternative understanding of big event attire.

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Nondenominational events would be the great venue in order to sport a unconventional style and design like Sherri Mountain #2018. This off white and rare metal beaded wedding gown sewn by crinoline and tulle is just two actions left of the customary bridesmaid dress. You can be testing the choice waters in this mermaid cut, without any venturing also deep.

Yet another possibility for one nondenominational event matters Formals #H3670. It???s a feminine, knee-length silver style with cellular levels of ruching along with ruffles. This seems a lot more like vacation to europre lingerie, when compared with an ???I do??? outfit. And that???s the nice thing about it.

All of us believe what the coloration white is supposed to represent when investing in married. As well as most the content is just a motion. For those who experience this intimation is actually old-fashioned I suggest Are generally Femme design #14757.

Though it may be a flower and smoking hued chiffon ensemble, it can have a relationship partner essence. It truly is long, mopping and passionate with a jeweled tshirt. And the coloration combination is going to be right for a woman who???s going to be walking down the church aisle for the minute or 3 rd time.

This season, evening clothes will be perhaps cutting-edge. And this is generally a direct manifestation of ethnic trends. People pride by themselves building romantic relationships which are not the same as their parents.

Should you along with your future husband or wife are edgy, Chiffon Cocktail Dress you will be leaning in the direction of a reception-only service. After a fast trip to town hall, your present atypical nuptials will probably be by pointing out bash. Bye-bye customs, hi open tavern, a outstanding DJ, plus your closest pals.

Reception-only weddings aren???t any holds banned. You will get apart with only about any color, and then for any cut. Some kind of disco-inspired silver design and style like Faviana???s #6539 can crush traditions and commemorate innovation. It truly is shiny as well as metallic by having an illusion related to whiteness.

Nika Designs wardrobe #3618 is another demonstration of a unique bridesmaid style. Nevertheless again, whenever you view it, we have an unmistakable wedding party essence. This particular cream, dark colored, yellow together with smoke shaded chiffon selection could be decorated having suspenders of gems.

You can get aside with making use of 2011 nighttime dresses instead of bridal clothes. Be imaginative and you will build an extraordinary door in your day???s wedded happiness.


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