Monday, October 31, 2011

Egypt brokers end to Israel-Gaza flare-up: officials (Reuters)

GAZA (Reuters) ? Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza will end a flare-up of violence at 6 a.m. (12 a.m. EDT) on Sunday, Egyptian officials said.

The truce to Saturday's flare-up was secured through Cairo's mediation, an official told Reuters, after nine Palestinian gunmen and an Israeli civilian were killed in the cross-border violence.

(Reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi; Editing by Ralph Gowling)


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IBM sees energy, money in motion of the ocean

Photo courtesy Ocean Energy, Ltd

IBM is developing the technology and expertise to analyze the impact wave energy converters such as the one pictured here have on the noise environment of the ocean.

By John Roach

The computer giant IBM sees a profitable future in high-tech analytical tools that could expedite and enhance the rollout of machines to turn the motion of the ocean into electricity.

Such machines, called wave energy converters, are under development around the world as a means to tap what appears to be a clean, green source of renewable energy ? wave power.

But there's no standard design for the machines or a consistent and reliable way to measure their environmental impact, according to Harry Kolar, a chief information technology architect with IBM's Smarter Planet initiative.

"In order for this industry to move forward, they have to do these environmental impact assessments, which include a lot of baseline studies in the case of noise," he told me.

Noisy technology
Scientists are concerned the noise generated by the machines could, for example, disturb marine mammals such as dolphins and whales that communicate with each other via sound waves and navigate via echo-location.?

"Basically, a lot of noise degrades the habitat of marine mammals, makes it harder for them to live their lives and they may go somewhere else if it becomes bad enough," Jim Thomson, an assistant professor in the department of environmental fluid dynamics at the University of Washington, explained to me.

Thomson is?helping characterize the noise environment in Admiralty Inlet in Washington's northern Puget Sound for a pilot project with a local utility that will install underwater turbines to capture energy from the tides. The inlet has tidal currents that move as fast as 9 miles per hour.

As elsewhere around the world, researchers are concerned about the impact the turbines will have on marine life there, including orca whales. One of the largest concerns is noise, Thomson noted, which travels five times faster underwater than it does in the air and can go farther.

His team has done some data collection on the noise levels in Admiralty Inlet, where two turbines will be deployed in 2013, but he noted that the short duration of the projects and limited funds mean they lack a complete picture of the noise environment.

Real time analytics
The project with IBM and Sustainable Energy Ireland is unique in the sense that it will collect and analyze massive amounts of data on ocean noise in real-time.?

The system consists of an off-shore buoy that is loaded up with sensors such as underwater microphones that collect data on the ocean environment and the computing power to process that data and stream it to shore-based engineers in real time.

"We will be able to understand what's going on in a very dynamic environment," Kolar said. He and his team call this ability "real-time streaming analytics."?

Thomson, who is not involved with the project, likened this ability to a person sitting at a concert and analyzing the noise coming from the violins and base and other instruments all at the same time.

While this ability exists in separate pieces for ocean energy projects, the IBM collaboration is the first to bring all the technology together in the same place, at the same time, and with the ability to monitor continuously.

Ultimately, these data should allow for a comprehensive picture of the underwater noise environment that should ease along the environmental permitting process and also help companies refine their wave energy machines.

"To allow the industry to move forward, to deploy these machines, the faster they get in the water, the faster you get this clean energy piece," Kolar said.

Ocean energy services
IBM is hoping to employ its technology and expertise in characterizing the noise environment gained in Ireland to other countries and companies around the world looking to develop their own ocean energy industries.

According to Thomson, this is a smart business strategy, assuming governments continue to support renewable energy technologies.

"There's going to be a whole industry that crops up around it that's in support of it, that doesn't actually do the generation of the kilowatts, but that does all of the marine services, the environmental permitting and monitoring and all these things that surround the energy production," he said.

IBM, it appears, is making a bet that ocean energy is an untapped space where it can be a major player.

More on ocean energy technology:

John Roach is a contributing writer for To learn more about him, check out his website. For more of our Future of Technology series, watch the featured video below.

Disposable computers for hurling into infernos, underwater robots that team up for search and rescue, and other new tools are coming to the aid of emergency responders during calamities.


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Lee Jun Ki?s busy military schedule revealed

On October 27th, the official blog of the Defense Agency for Public Information Services added a new entry with information regarding the recent whereabouts of corporal Lee Jun Ki, who?s currently serving as a public relations officer.

Along with a picture of his schedule on a planner, the blog revealed that he?s been quite busy attending to his duties as a public relations officer in addition to being the squad commander. The planner shows that every single day is booked, brimming with several activities at once. The blog wrote, ?Lee Jun Ki is spending busy days fulfilling two roles for his enlistment.?

Fans were surprised to see that the schedule was even more jam packed than that of a celebrity?s. Lee Jun Ki himself commented, ?It is a bit difficult, but I feel worthy doing the job in seeing that I?m able to provide joy and energy to other soldiers going through hard training. I?ve become a lot more responsible, and I hope to fulfill the rest of my enlistment with such feelings.?

Lee Jun Ki will be discharged on February 16th.

Source + Photos: Economy Today via Nate


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Iran oil blast kills one, separate incident hits refinery (Reuters)

TEHRAN (Reuters) ? An explosion and fire at an Iranian oil refinery on Friday was brought under control and caused no casualties, while a separate oil field blast killed one person, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported.

"At the moment, the (refinery) incident has been completely brought under control," Majid Rajabi, managing director of the Shazand oil refinery, told Mehr.

"The incident caused neither casualties nor financial damage and everything is normal now," he said.

Rajabi said an accumulation of gas caused the incident.

Last year a scheme to develop Shazand was launched with an investment of $3.3 billion to boost its initial refining capacity from 170,000 barrels per day to 250,000 bpd and increase the country's gasoline production by 2 million liters per day.

The second incident occurred at an oil field at Bibi Hakimeh near the Gulf, killing one person and injuring three, Mehr said.

Mehr said it occurred during drilling when workers unexpectedly encountered an "enormous volume of unknown accumulated gas" in the layers of a reservoir.

(Reporting by Ramin Mostafavi; Editing by Jason Neely)


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

50 Cent to release young adult book about bullying

Rapper 50 Cent says he sometimes bullied others while growing up and now wants to use his influence on teenagers to get them thinking about the issue.

Rapper Curtis Jackson, better known as 50 Cent, is adding author to his long list of job titles with a new book about bullying.

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The book, titled ?Playground,? is a young adult novel published by Razorbill that will be released on Nov. 1. The novel, illustrated by Lizzie Akana, tells the story of Butterball, a 13-year-old living on Long Island who bullies a fellow student named Maurice. In an interview on ?The Today Show? on NBC, the rapper said he drew inspiration from his own school days because he sometimes took the role of bully in the hallways.

?I had more experiences where I was a part of the problem, where I was actually bullying,? Jackson said on the show. "To know now from an adult's perspective and be able to write things, I can look back on those actual situations and say, 'That was completely wrong.' ?

Jackson said the issue is close to him personally because of his son, who is 15 years old. Jackson said he is in a better position than most to speak to young adults and hopes that his influence will help the message get across.

?A lot of the times the kids that would actually be a part of the problem are listening [to my music],? he said. ?When I offer it, they'll take the time to stop and read it.?

Molly Driscoll is a Monitor contributor.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sarkozy yields on ECB crisis role, pressure on Italy (Reuters)

BRUSSELS (Reuters) ? European Union leaders made some progress toward a strategy to fight the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis on Sunday, nearing agreement on bank recapitalization and on how to leverage their rescue fund to try to stop bond market contagion.

But final decisions were deferred until a second summit on Wednesday and sharp differences remain over the size of losses private holders of Greek government bonds will have to accept.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy backed down in the face of implacable German opposition to his desire to use unlimited European Central Bank funds to fight the crisis. Instead, the euro zone may turn to emerging economies such as China and Brazil for help in underpinning its sickly bond market.

"Further work is still needed and that is why we will take the decisions in the follow-up euro zone summit," European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said after chairing 12 hours of talks.

He indicated that Italy, the euro zone state now in the markets' firing line, had been told to come up with a more convincing plan this week to implement structural economic reforms to raise its growth potential.

"Between now and Wednesday, some members of the European Council will have to convince colleagues that their country is implementing the promised measures fully," Van Rompuy said.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he expected to call a cabinet meeting on Monday to discuss measures to boost growth, as Italy came under mounting pressure from European partners to step up reforms to restore market confidence.

Sarkozy acknowledged that France's proposal to multiply the firepower of the euro zone's rescue fund by turning it into a bank and letting it borrow from the ECB would not fly for now because neither Germany nor the central bank accepted it.

"No solution is viable if it doesn't have the support of all the European institutions," the French leader told a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Merkel said only two options remained on the table for leveraging the 440 billion euro ($600 billion) European Financial Stability Facility, and neither involved drawing on the central bank. Van Rompuy said, however, that some form of ECB involvement could not be entirely discounted.

Officials said the emerging solution would combine using the EFSF to provide partial guarantees to buyers of new Italian and Spanish bonds, while also creating a special purpose vehicle to attract funds from major emerging countries that could guarantee bonds in the secondary market.

It remains to be seen whether that will convince investors that euro zone government bonds are safe after expected heavy write-downs on Greek debt.

"This is not going to be the 'shock and awe' solution to really impress the markets given there are still a lot of details to be worked out and there is still a great deal of uncertainty about how this is to be implemented," WestLB rate strategist Michael Leister told Reuters.

Leaders endorsed a broad framework drafted by their finance ministers for recapitalising European banks, which regulators say need between 100 and 110 billion euros to cope with likely losses on Greek and other euro zone sovereign bonds.


Much time was spent on procedural wrangling with non-euro members Britain and Poland demanding that all 27 EU states, including the 10 that are not in the single currency, be fully involved in the crisis response. That forced the calling of another full EU summit for one hour on Wednesday.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said there was a danger that euro zone countries would otherwise start taking decisions on their own that affect the EU's single market.

With alarm growing in Washington, Beijing and other capitals about potential damage to the global economy, Europe is under pressure to put in place a comprehensive strategy in time for a November 3-4 G20 summit in France to halt the crisis.

They aim to agree on reducing Greece's debt burden, strengthening European banks, improving euro area economic governance and maximising the firepower of the EFSF.

Merkel told reporters that the decisions to be taken on Wednesday would not be the last step to overcome the crisis.

Before then, she must obtain parliamentary approval from her fractious center-right coalition for the latest series of increasingly unpopular bailout measures.

Merkel and Sarkozy began the day with a 30-minute private meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to ram home what a German official called "the urgent necessity of credible and concrete reform steps in euro area states."


Finance ministers made progress at preparatory sessions on Friday and Saturday, agreeing to release an 8 billion euro ($11 billion) lifeline loan for Greece and to seek a far bigger write-down on Greek debt by private bondholders.

A document prepared by the ministers and seen by Reuters outlined possible guarantee schemes to help banks secure access to wholesale funding at a time when many are shut out of inter-bank lending.

The key outstanding issues were how to make Greece's debt burden manageable and how to scale up the rescue fund to shield Italy and Spain, the euro area's third and fourth largest economies, from bond market turmoil that has forced Greece, Ireland and Portugal into EU-IMF bailouts.

A debt sustainability study by international lenders showed that only losses of 50-60 percent for private bondholders would make Greek debt, forecast to reach 160 percent of GDP this year, sustainable in the long term.

"This debt is onerous and must lighten for us to breathe again," Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou told reporters.

A senior German banker close to the talks said the banks had offered to take a 40 percent "voluntary" writedown but governments were demanding they write off 60 percent.

This is much more than a 21 percent net present value loss agreed with investors on July 21 and some officials question whether it can be achieved voluntarily, or only through a forced default that would trigger wider market turmoil.

"It's a poker game until Wednesday," one negotiator said.

A Reuters poll of economists -- many of them from European banks -- showed last week they expected private investors would have to shoulder losses of around 50 percent.

Analysts say the proposed bond insurance scheme could have perverse effects and remove incentives for states like Italy to take action to reduce debt.

The European Banking Authority told European Union finance ministers on Saturday that if all such bank assets were valued at market prices, EU banks would need 100-110 billion euros of new capital to have a 9 percent core tier 1 capital ratio.

Ministers agreed to give banks until June 2012 to achieve this capital ratio, first using their own funds or from private investors, and if that fails, by using public money from governments or as a last resort the EFSF.

However, EU sources said that figure appeared to include some 46 billion euros already earmarked for bank support in the EU/IMF bailout programmes for Ireland, Greece and Portugal.

Markets may be disappointed if the actual capital injection is only 60-70 billion euros, compared to recent estimates of a need for up to 200 billion euros.

(Additional reporting by Luke Baker, John O'Donnell, Jan Strupczewski, Harry Papachristou, Illona Wissenbach and Nigel Stephenson; Writing by Paul Taylor; Editing by Ruth Pitchford/Mike Peacock)


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Metals prices rise on European bailout fund news (AP)

Precious metal prices are rising on expectations that European finance ministers could implement a bailout package worth more than $1 trillion.

Gold for December delivery rose $16.20, or 1 percent, to settle at $1,652.30 an ounce. December silver was up 45.1 cents, or 1.45 percent, to close at $31.644.

Precious metals prices have been affected by headlines out of Europe about talks to resolve the region's debt crisis. Gold and silver have risen when a sweeping European bailout plan for heavily indebted countries like Greece and the region's banks seems closer.

Investors fear that a big bailout program could lead to inflation, which would increase the appeal of hard assets like precious metals. Traders often buy those metals when they are worried about inflation.

On Monday, German officials said a European bailout fund might have its lending capacity increased to more than $1.39 trillion. The European Financial Stability Fund can currently lend about $600 billion.

German parliamentary leaders said Chancellor Angela Merkel informed them that the EFSF's lending powers will be boosted significantly.

Industrial metals and oil prices also rose. Those metals are up because traders think demand could increase for raw materials like copper and platinum of the European financial crisis is contained.

The price of copper for December delivery surged 22.6 cents, or 7 percent, to settle at $3.449 a pound. December palladium rose $20.25, or nearly 3.3 percent, to $638.50 an ounce.

January platinum gained $32.80 to finish at $1,542 an ounce.

December wheat gained 10.5 cents to finish at $6.425 per bushel. December corn gained 1.75 cents to end at $6.51 per bushel. November soybeans rose 14.5 cents, or 1.2 percent, to finish at $12.2675 a bushel.

Oil prices rose on optimism that economic growth will gain strength in the United States and Asia. As those economies grow, energy demand will increase. Benchmark oil rose $3.87 to $91.27 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Heating oil rose 3.83 cents to finish at $3.0542 per gallon, gasoline futures rose 1.21 cents to close at $2.6703 per gallon and natural gas lost 0.25 cents to close at $3.604 per 1,000 cubic feet.


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NATO delegation on goodwill mission in Moscow (AP)

MOSCOW ? A NATO delegation is visiting Moscow in a bid to warm up ties with Russia, which has been wary of the alliance's intentions.

Senior military officers from NATO's command on Tuesday opened a four-day seminar to brief their Russian counterparts on NATO's missions and plans.

Russia provides a vital overland supply link for NATO forces in Afghanistan and the two sides have had joint anti-terrorism and search-and-rescue drills. But, at the same time, Moscow has bristled at NATO's expansion eastward and claimed U.S.-led missile defense plans have the potential to start a new arms race.

Officials hope the event will help bring the Cold War-era adversaries closer by sharing their views, said British Maj. Gen. Simon Porter.

"It's best to understand each other's perspective, to exchange ideas and to identify best practice," Porter said. The "future is about working together and understanding each other."

Russian Gen. Vladimir Yakovlev, the head of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces' academy, said that meetings like this week's seminar will help narrow differences.

"The dialogue helps find common ground," he said.

NATO has offered Russia to cooperate on the missile shield, but rejected Moscow's proposal to jointly run it.

Russia says that the prospective U.S.-led system could threaten its nuclear forces, undermining their deterrence potential. It has urged Washington to provide legal guarantees that the shield will not be directed against Russia.

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the failure to reach agreement on missile defense may prompt Russia to deploy new offensive weapons, triggering an arms race.


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Clinton to Iran: Don't misread departure from Iraq (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Iran should not misread the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq as affecting the U.S. commitment to the fledgling democracy, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday.

President Barack Obama's announcement Friday that all American troops would return from Iraq by the end of the year will close a chapter on U.S.-Iraq relations that began in 2003 with the U.S.-led invasion to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

Iran is expected to try to use the departure of U.S. troops to expand its influence on its neighbor.

Clinton said in a series of news show interviews that the U.S. would continue its training mission with Iraq and that it would resemble operations in Colombia and elsewhere. While the U.S. will not have combat troops in Iraq, she said the American presence would remain strong because of its bases in the region.

"Iran would be badly miscalculating if they did not look at the entire region and all of our presence in many countries in the region, both in bases, in training, with NATO allies, like Turkey," she told CNN's "State of the Union."

Asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" about fears of civil war in Iraq after U.S. troops leave, Clinton said, "Well, let's find out. ... We know that the violence is not going to automatically end."

She added: "No one should miscalculate America's resolve and commitment to helping support the Iraqi democracy. We have paid too high a price to give the Iraqis this chance. And I hope that Iran and no one else miscalculates that."

The timeline for U.S. troop withdrawals had been agreed to by President George W. Bush and Iraqi leaders. Obama had campaigned for the presidency with the promise to end America's war in Iraq.

For months the Obama administration negotiated with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and other Iraqi officials to extend the stay of troops and to build permanent bases. Both sides saw advantages to keeping several thousand U.S. troops in Iraq as part of a training mission, but there was also strong opposition in the U.S. and Iraq for the American troops to stay.

A sticking point was the U.S. demand that American troops be granted legal immunity to shield them from Iraqi prosecution, a flashpoint for Iraqi anger over the Americans' special status in their homeland.

In Iraq, cheers and fears greeted Obama's announcement as the country pondered another period of uncertain transition. While many celebrated what they viewed as the end of a foreign occupation, there was also apprehension over what would happen without U.S. troops on hand to help control political and social divisions that still spark shootings and bombings.

Arizona Sen. John McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, called the withdrawal decision "a serious mistake" that is viewed in the region as a victory for Iran. He also said the presence of U.S. bases elsewhere in the region will have little impact on Iraq.

"There was never really serious negotiations between the administration and the Iraqis," McCain told "This Week" on ABC. "I believe we could have negotiated an agreement. And I'm very, very concerned about increased Iranian influence in Iraq."

Sen. Lindsey Graham, who also serves on the committee, criticized Obama for "not being able to close the deal" with Iraq, and he said the Iranians remain emboldened with "a shot in Iraq they would never had otherwise." He also expressed concern over Iran's nuclear program.

"The Iranians don't fear us at all," Graham said on "Fox News Sunday." He added: "At a time when we need troops in Iraq to secure the place against intervention by Iran and the bad actors in the region, we are going into 2012 with none. It was his job, the Obama administration's job, to end this well. They failed."


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What gets Krishna moving on the floor? "Anything Beyonc?! She'll ask for Beyonc? and I'll put it on the iPod -- she dances to ['Single Ladies']," she said. "She's running around and she's a daredevil."


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Monday, October 24, 2011

Assange: Financial woes may close WikiLeaks (AP)

LONDON ? WikiLeaks ? whose spectacular publication of classified data shook world capitals and exposed the inner workings of international diplomacy ? may be weeks away from collapse, the organization's leader warned Monday.

Although its attention-grabbing leaks spread outrage and embarrassment across military and diplomatic circles, WikiLeaks' inability to overturn the block on donations imposed by American financial companies may prove its undoing.

"If WikiLeaks does not find a way to remove this blockade we will simply not be able to continue by the turn of the new year," founder Julian Assange told journalists at London's Frontline Club. "If we don't knock down the blockade we simply will not be able to continue."

As an emergency measure, Assange said his group would cease what he called "publication operations" to focus its energy on fundraising. He added that WikiLeaks ? which he said had about 20 employees ? needs an additional $3.5 million to keep it going into 2013.

WikiLeaks, launched as an online repository for confidential information, shot to notoriety with the April 2010 disclosure of footage of two Reuters journalists killed by a U.S. military strike in Baghdad.

The Pentagon had claimed that the journalists were likely "intermixed among the insurgents," but the helicopter footage, which captured U.S. airmen firing on prone figures and joking about "dead bastards," unsettled many across the world.

The video was just a foretaste. In the following months, WikiLeaks published nearly half a million secret military documents from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a whole the documents provided an unprecedented level of detail into the grueling, bloody conflicts. Individually, many raised concerns about the actions of the U.S. and its local allies ? for example by detailing evidence of abuse, torture and worse by Iraqi security forces.

Although U.S. officials railed against the disclosures, claiming that they were putting lives at risk, it wasn't until WikiLeaks began publishing a massive trove of 250,000 U.S. State Department cables late last year that the financial screws began to tighten.

One after the other, MasterCard Inc., Visa Europe Ltd., Bank of America Corp. Western Union Co. and Ebay Inc.'s PayPal stopped processing donations to WikiLeaks, starving the organization of cash as it was coming under intense political, financial and legal pressure.

Assange said Monday that the restrictions ? imposed in early December ? had cut off some 95 percent of the money he believes his organization could have received.

WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson defended the estimate as "conservative," noting that in 2010 the average monthly donation to WikiLeaks had been more than 100,000 euros ($140,000), while in 2011 the amount had fallen to between 6,000 and 7,000 euros.

Each company has given its own explanation for the blockade, expressing some level of concern over the nature of the secret-spilling site. WikiLeaks supporters often point out that MasterCard and Visa still process payments for fringe groups such as the American KKK or the far-right British National Party and that neither WikiLeaks nor any of its staff have been charged with any crime.

Assange said his group was being subjected to corporate censorship.

"A few companies cannot be allowed to decide how the whole world votes with its wallet," he said.

WikiLeaks recently organized a series of auctions aimed at shoring up its finances. Assange said Monday that generally his group had relied on small-time donations averaging about $25 to keep it afloat, but would now turn its attention to a "constellation of wealthy individuals."

He didn't elaborate, but Assange has several wealthy backers, including Frontline Club founder Vaughan Smith, whose manor house in eastern England has been put at Assange's disposal while he fights extradition to Sweden on sex crime allegations.

A decision on whether to extradite him is expected in the next few weeks. Speaking to journalists after Monday's appearance, Assange put his chances of being extradited without the possibility of appeal at "30 percent."

Also looming in the background is a U.S. grand jury investigation into WikiLeaks' disclosures. Earlier this month a small California-based Internet provider became the second company to confirm it was fighting a court order demanding customer account information as part of the American WikiLeaks inquiry.

WikiLeaks' suspected source, U.S. Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning, remains in custody at Fort Leavenworth prison in Kansas.



(This version CORRECTS Adds more background, corrects spelling of spokesman's last name. This story is part of AP's general news and financial services.)


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Rear window LED hack minds bad drivers' manners, has nothing to do with Hitchcock (video)

Typically, road rage responses range from a flip of the bird to some gentle highway drag racing. For an enterprising hacker by the name of Gagandeep Singh, however, those on-road hijinks have given way to a more eloquent, albeit LED-lit resolution. Conceived as means of informing errant drivers of their transportation follies, Singh rigged up a 40 x 16 LED matrix display and affixed it to his car's rear window. Using an AT89C51 micro-controller, hard-coded messages and animations are then fed to the 2cm x 2cm grid, much to the chagrin of reprimanded drivers following close behind. Eventually, this helpful hack'll hookup with a mobile phone over Bluetooth, delivering real-time updates (and insults?) to the display. Until then, you'll just have to make due with Singh's step-by-step DIY at the source. Jump past the break for a scrolling view of this corrective driving tech.

Continue reading Rear window LED hack minds bad drivers' manners, has nothing to do with Hitchcock (video)

Rear window LED hack minds bad drivers' manners, has nothing to do with Hitchcock (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 22 Oct 2011 07:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monroe's 'River of No Return' dress auctioned off (AP)

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. ? The dress Marilyn Monroe wore in "River of No Return" has sold to a private buyer for $504,000.

Darren Julien, president and CEO of Julien's Auctions, said Saturday that the dress was sold at an auction in China. Monroe wore the green velour dress while she sang "I'm Gonna File My Claim" in the 1954 Western in which she portrayed Kay Washington, a gambler's wife.

Among other items that have been sold at the auction were the bustier that Madonna wore during her "Who's That Girl" tour in 1987. It has sold for $72,000.

The famous white dress Monroe wore in "The Seven Year Itch" was sold for $4.6 million at an auction this summer.




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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pete Seeger and pals attend NYC protest action (AP)

NEW YORK ? Folk music and `60s protest legend Pete Seeger has joined in the Occupy Wall Street protest, replacing his instruments with two canes as he marches with throngs of people to Columbus Circle.

The 92-year-old Seeger occasionally sang "We Shall Not be Moved" and other anthems of protest as about a thousand people walked peacefully Friday and police watched from the sidelines. Composer David Amran and bluesman Guy Davis were also in the crowd.

Tao (tow) Rodriguez Seeger said his activist grandfather was "all fired up" about the late-night march after their scheduled performance with other musicians earlier at Symphony Space.

The younger Seeger, a New Orleans resident, said music may not change everyone's minds but it can help people get along better.


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Senate rejects slimmed-down Obama jobs bill (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Despite a campaign-style push this week by President Barack Obama, the Senate on Thursday scuttled pared-back jobs legislation aimed at helping state and local governments avoid layoffs of teachers and firefighters.

Obama's three-day bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia ? states crucial to his re-election race next year ? didn't change any minds among Senate Republicans, who filibustered Obama's latest jobs measure to death just as they killed his broader $447 billion jobs plan last week.

The 50-50 vote came in relation to a motion to simply take up the bill and fell well short of the 60 needed to break a filibuster. Democrats Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Independent Joe Lieberman of Connecticut broke with Obama on the vote. Two Democrats who voted with the president, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana, however, said they couldn't support the underlying Obama plan unless it's changed.

Thursday's $35 billion measure combined $30 billion for state and local governments to hire teachers and other school workers with $5 billion to help pay the salaries of police officers, firefighters and other first responders. The White House says the measure would "support" almost 400,000 education jobs for one year. Republicans call that a temporary "sugar high" for the economy.

Obama and his Democratic allies are acting like they've found a winning issue in repeatedly pressing popular ideas such as infrastructure spending and boosting hiring of police officers and firefighters. The sluggish economy and lower tax revenues have caused many teachers' jobs to be cut over the past several years.

"For the second time in two weeks, every single Republican in the United States Senate has chosen to obstruct a bill that would create jobs and get our economy going again," Obama said in a statement after the vote. "Every American deserves an explanation as to why Republicans refuse to step up to the plate and do what's necessary to create jobs and grow the economy right now."

"We cannot afford to be bailing out local governments, and we can't afford stimulus 2.0," countered Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

After the failure of the jobs measure last week, Democrats vowed to try to resurrect it on a piece by piece basis, even though the strategy doesn't seem to have any better chance of success. But Democrats are trying to win a political advantage through repeated votes.

They're also pressing for passage of a poll-tested financing mechanism ? a surcharge on income exceeding $1 million.

An AP-GfK poll taken Oct. 13-17 found 62 percent of respondents favoring the surcharge as a way to pay for jobs initiatives. Just 26 percent opposed the idea.

"Protecting millionaires and defeating President Obama are more important to my Republican colleagues than creating jobs and getting our economy back on track," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said.

Republicans say the president is more interested in picking political fights with them than seeking compromise. Still, they don't seem to be afraid of a politically weakened Obama. Not a single Republican backed the president in last week's vote

"The fact is we're not going to get this economy going again by growing the government. It's the private sector that's ultimately going to drive this recovery," Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said. "Look, if big government were the key to economic growth, then countries like Greece would be booming right now."

At the same time, several Democrats opposed the underlying measure, even though they voted in favor of at least allowing debate to begin.

"This bill fails to give taxpayers any guarantee that this money would actually be used to hire teachers and invest in our schools," Tester said. "States would get loads of money with little guidance that they spend the money on teachers."

According to the AP-GfK poll, Obama's party has lost the faith of the public on handling the economy. In the new poll, only 38 percent said they trust Democrats to do a better job than Republicans in handling the economy, the first time Democrats have fallen below 40 percent in the poll. Some 43 percent trust the Republicans more.

Immediately after the vote on Obama's plan, Democrats turned the tables and filibustered Republican-backed legislation that would prevent the government from withholding 3 percent of payments to government contractors. The legislation failed to get the 60 votes needed to end the filibuster on a 57-43 vote, even though 10 Democrats voted to advance it.

Many Democrats and President Barack Obama support the idea but opposed it Thursday because it would be paid for with $30 billion in cuts from domestic agency spending. Advocates of repealing the withholding requirement say it will help create jobs, especially from contractors on large projects with smaller profit margins.

The withholding law was passed in 2006 by a GOP-controlled Congress. Then, the idea then was to make sure contractors couldn't duck their taxes and was imposed after government investigators found that thousands of federal contractors owed taxes.

The GOP-controlled House is likely to pass the measure next week and Reid promised that the Senate would revisit the issue, though there's likely to be a split between the House and Senate over how to pay for the cost of repealing the withholding rule.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, speaking the day after Obama returned from bus tour, said the president's jobs plan has the advantage of providing an immediate kick to the economy.

"The Republicans don't have proposals that would help the economy grow or help it create jobs now," Carney said. "That's the comparison."

Republicans also want to roll back government regulations that they say choke job growth. They backed free-trade pacts with South Korea, Colombia and Panama that were ratified this month. They also back extending tax breaks for businesses that buy new equipment and favor offering a $4,800 tax credit to companies that hire veterans.

Democrats and the White House, meanwhile, are confident that other elements of Obama's larger jobs bill, including extending cuts in Social Security payroll taxes, will pass. A 2 percentage point payroll tax cut enacted last year expires at the end of the year. Obama has proposed cutting it by an additional percentage point and extending the cut to the first $5 million of a company's payroll.


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Friday, October 21, 2011

Platini has faith in Blatter's plan to reform FIFA


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 10:09 a.m. ET Oct. 20, 2011

ZURICH (AP) -UEFA leader Michel Platini believes FIFA President Sepp Blatter is "really motivated" to offer concrete reforms for cleaning up world football after a series of corruption scandals.

Blatter on Friday will announce the first stage of a wide-ranging reform plan he promised in June after a bribery case and wave of ethics allegations tarnished the image of football's world governing body.

"I get the impression that Mr. Blatter is really motivated to change some things," Platini told reporters before attending a two-day session of FIFA's executive committee. "We hope that what Blatter promised us this time becomes fact, and not just ideas."

Platini said Blatter had not yet shared details of his proposed reforms.

"I don't know exactly point by point, because it is his job to organize that," said the former France playing great, who is the leading candidate to succeed Blatter in 2015.

It was also unclear what legal authority Blatter or FIFA's ruling panel have to change governance rules, or if some reforms need approval by all 208 football nations. Their next congress is in May in Budapest.

Still, Platini acknowledged that Europe will have a strong voice in deciding if Blatter succeeds with his program, which could include reopening past allegations of corruption which implicate some executive committee members.

UEFA has eight members on a likely 21-man FIFA panel sitting Thursday, with three seats expected to be vacant.

Platini said his UEFA colleagues had a mandate from Europe's football federations to push for change.

"The mood is the same for all of us in Europe. Don't forget that in Cyprus (last month), the 53 national associations asked us to take care of what could happen in FIFA," he said.

The three absentees are American member Chuck Blazer, who remained in New York for health reasons; Worawi Makudi, detained in Thailand by severe flooding; while a Caribbean delegate has not been chosen to replace disgraced former FIFA vice president Jack Warner.

? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, October 20, 2011

AP NewsBreak: Sens. urge baseball to ban tobacco

(AP) ? U.S. senators and health officials are taking on a baseball tradition older than the World Series itself: chewing tobacco on the diamond.

With the series set to begin Wednesday between the St. Louis Cardinals and Texas Rangers ? a team that started life as the Washington Senators 50 years ago ? the senators, along with health officials from the teams' cities, want the players union to agree to a ban on chewing tobacco at games and on camera. They made the pleas in separate letters, obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

"When players use smokeless tobacco, they endanger not only their own health, but also the health of millions of children who follow their example," the senators wrote to union head Michael Weiner. The letter was signed by Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, and fellow Democrats Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Senate health committee chairman Tom Harkin of Iowa.

The senators noted that millions of people will tune in to watch the series, including children.

"Unfortunately, as these young fans root for their favorite team and players, they also will watch their on-field heroes use smokeless tobacco products," they wrote. Smokeless tobacco includes chewing tobacco and dip.

With baseball's current collective bargaining agreement expiring in December, the senators, some government officials and public health groups want the players to agree to a tobacco ban in the next contract. A coalition including the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Cancer Society and the American Medical Association has been pushing for one since last year.

"Such an agreement would protect the health of players and be a great gift to your young fans," the senators wrote. Durbin also sent copies of the letter to the player representatives for his home state teams, the Chicago White Sox and Chicago Cubs, as well as the representative for the Cardinals, a team that draws Illinois fans from across the river in Missouri.

Commissioner Bud Selig endorsed the ban in March, but the players union hasn't committed to one.

Weiner said in June that a "sincere effort" will be made to address the issue. Union spokesman Greg Bouris said Tuesday that since the issue is subject to collective bargaining which is currently taking place, it would be inappropriate to comment.

The first World Series took place in 1903, but chewing tobacco in the sport dates well back into the previous century, when the habit was a popular pastime in American culture, not just on baseball diamonds. Players used tobacco juice to soften gloves, keep their mouths wet on dusty fields, and doctor baseballs (the juice was part of the spitballer's arsenal until baseball banned the spitter in 1920).

Some baseball players interviewed by The Associated Press last month were receptive to the idea, but others viewed a ban as an infringement on their freedom. Baseball banned smokeless tobacco in the non-unionized minor leagues in the 1990s, and recent call-ups from the minors spoke of "Dip Police" who would come through clubhouses and cite players if they saw tobacco at their lockers, subjecting violators to fines.

The health officials from St. Louis and Arlington, Texas, asked that players in the World Series voluntarily abstain from using tobacco, in addition to calling for a permanent ban.

"The use of tobacco by big-league ballplayers at a single World Series game provides millions of dollars worth of free television advertising for an addictive and deadly product," wrote Dr. Cynthia Simmons, the Public Health Authority for Arlington, and Pamela Walker, the St. Louis interim health director. They said that with tobacco companies banned from advertising on TV, they "literally could not buy the ads that are effectively created by celebrity ballplayers using tobacco at games."

The Centers for Disease Control says that smokeless tobacco can cause cancer, oral health problems and nicotine addiction, and stresses it is not a safe alternative to smoking. Despite the risks, the CDC's most recent survey found that in 2009, 15 percent of high school boys used smokeless tobacco ? a more than one-third increase over 2003, when 11 percent did.


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Associated Press


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Michael Jackson doctor's trial to resume Wednesday (AP)

LOS ANGLES ? A judge delayed resumption of the trial of the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death until Wednesday to give defense attorneys time to analyze new testing that coroner's officials recently conducted.

Testimony had been canceled on Monday so that the prosecution's final witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, could deal with family affairs after his father died last week.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor agreed to delay the case against Dr. Conrad Murray for another day after defense attorneys said they needed time to prepare for how to deal with testing the coroner's office conducted last week on the level of the sedative lorazepam in Jackson's system.

Murray's attorneys have suggested that authorities ignored the effects lorazapam may have had on the pop superstar and said their own testing suggested Jackson had taken eight pills before his death.

Coroner's officials determined Jackson died from a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol. Authorities contend Murray gave Jackson the fatal dose and other sedatives in the singer's bedroom to try to help him sleep. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren said the defense lab's results combine two numbers to make it seem like there was more lorazepam in Jackson's system than may have been present. He said the coroner's tests show a much smaller amount was actually in Jackson's system and are inconsistent with the theory that he swallowed several pills.

Lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff said he had numerous questions about the coroner's testing and had asked the agency to conduct the same test before the trial began but was told it couldn't be done. He said he didn't yet know what impact it will have on how Murray's defense case is presented.

Defense attorneys are expected to begin calling their own witnesses, including experts, later this week.

Pastor agreed it was an issue that defense attorneys needed time to address. He ordered attorneys to give him an update at a hearing Tuesday afternoon.


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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

IBM bumps guidance again, but revenue falls short

FILE - In this March 1, 2010 file photo, people walk along a sign with the slogan "IBM - smarter together," at the CeBIT computer trade fair in Hanover, Germany. IBM releases quarterly financial results Monday, Oct. 17, 2011, after the market close. (AP Photo/dapd, Focke Strangmann, File)

FILE - In this March 1, 2010 file photo, people walk along a sign with the slogan "IBM - smarter together," at the CeBIT computer trade fair in Hanover, Germany. IBM releases quarterly financial results Monday, Oct. 17, 2011, after the market close. (AP Photo/dapd, Focke Strangmann, File)

(AP) ? IBM again demonstrated its skill at wringing profit from its software and services juggernauts.

The success of those divisions has made IBM Corp. one of the most-copied technology companies. It was a key reason that IBM beat analysts' net income forecasts for the third quarter and raised its earnings outlook for the full year. Neither was surprising for a company that rarely lets down its Wall Street constituents.

But some investors were left with a more unflattering impression from a different and unexpected part of IBM's report Monday.

IBM's revenue narrowly missed the average forecast, reviving questions about the company's ability to bring in enough new business to fuel its expected growth.

Global companies such as IBM face dangers on multiple fronts as the American economy struggles, debt fears threaten Europe and even some hot emerging markets show signs of cooling off. Sales to corporations and government agencies are at the heart of IBM's business model. But some fear that they may spend less on IBM products and services if demand for their products stays depressed and government budget woes continue.

The revenue miss apparently fed those fears and helped drive down IBM's stock price $7.32, or 3.9 percent, to $179.27 after the results came out. The shares had ended regular trading Monday down $3.94, or 2.1 percent, at $186.59 on a weak day for the market overall.

Most of the questions on IBM's conference call with analysts covered macroeconomic concerns. But some of the share price decline likely was caused by investors cashing in on recent gains. IBM's stock hit its 52-week high on Friday on expectations about the results.

IBM executives insist the company's focus on long-term contracts insulates it from economic swings. The company said it is ahead of its own aggressive forecasts. IBM has disclosed a goal of hitting $20 per share in adjusted earnings by 2015, a rare example of a long-term earnings target made public by a major company.

For the three months that ended Sept. 30, IBM said net income was $3.84 billion, or $3.19 per share, up 7 percent from $3.59 billion, or $2.82 per share, a year ago. Excluding one-time items, it earned $3.28 per share, 6 cents per share more than analysts surveyed by FactSet forecast on average.

Revenue rose 8 percent to $26.16 billion, slightly less than the $26.26 billion that analysts had expected.

Revenue rose in each of IBM's three biggest divisions, but more slowly than in the previous quarter.

Services revenue rose 8 percent, software revenue rose 13 percent, and hardware revenue rose 4 percent. In the second quarter, services revenue rose 10 percent, software revenue rose 17 percent, and hardware revenue grew 17 percent.

The company now expects adjusted earnings of at least $13.35 per share for the year. The previous forecast was for at least $13.25 per share. Investors have come to expect regular forecast bumps. IBM, which is based in Armonk, New York, has raised its full-year profit forecast in each of the last 10 quarters.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Availability of Sports Supplements in Thailand

For many years, access to sports supplements in Thailand has been very limited and expensive. The cost alone has been prohibitive for the average Thai to gain access to quality supplements. Fortunately today, there is a wide variety of imported sports supplements such as whey protein available in Thailand at prices similar to that in Europe and Australia. The registration process for food products in Thailand is notoriously complicated and expensive. For example, a whey protein product needs a separate registration for every size and flavor of essentially the same product. The entire process to register one product can end up costing several thousand dollars and there is no guarantee that the product will even be accepted. Another issue lies with supplement ingredients. The English ingredient needs to be checked against an approved ingredient list which is in Thai. Even though the ingredient exists, if its not in the Thai approved ingredient list chances are the product will be rejected. Fortunately today, the Thai FDA appears to be relaxing their registration process for sports supplements. Companies such as Dymatize Nutrition and Optimum Nutrition now have official distributors in Thailand and their products are officially registered with the Thai FDA. Prior to this, sports supplements were often smuggled into the country and sold illegally usually at very high prices. Musashi, an Australian supplement company, has been trading in Thailand for several years and had essentially cornered the market for supplements such as whey protein. Because of this, the company was able to charge extortionate prices giving them a bad reputation in Thailand. Many new sports supplement retailers have emerged in the past year in Thailand making the market competitive. One such retailer, Phuket Health Shop, now has over 300 imported sports supplements in stock making them one of largest retailers of supplements in Thailand. Phuket Health Shop carries the worlds most popular brands of whey protein and sports supplements such as Dymatize, Optimum Nutrition, BSN, Gaspari, USP Labs, AST, and CytoSport. As a high volume retailer, Phuket Health Shop offers extremely low prices and provides nationwide delivery of its products. The sports supplement market in Thailand is set to explode. Thais are showing an increased interest in bodybuilding and sports such as mixed martial arts where events are often sponsored by supplement companies. Top quality whey protein can now be purchased at an average serving cost similar to that of a regular meal. Professional bodybuilders have become celebrities in Thailand and many young Thais idolize them. These are just a few of the many reasons this emerging industry is set for amazing growth.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Getting the Most Out of Sober Living Houses

You will not be looking at sober living houses if you do not have a need for them.? Sober living houses may be regular houses but what goes on inside the walls of such facilities consists of structured programs designed to help recovering patients of alcohol and drug abuse find a long-term solution for staying sober.? If you find a sober living house that is suitable for you, you need to make the most out of your stay or you may end up wasting your time and money.

Before you even register at any of the sober living houses available, you need to gear yourself for following their rules and not balking at things that you may not want to do.? You are going to live in a sober living house because you need to stay sober, not just for yourself but for your family and your community.? There is a lot at stake so you need to be dedicated and determined to learn all that you can.?

If you are coming to one of the sober living houses right after staying in a rehabilitation center, you will not be so surprised by the house rules.? You may even find them less rigorous compared to a rehabilitation centers.? However, if this is your first time to stay in one of the sober living homes, you may need to adjust especially if you are used to being waited on hand and foot.? Here, you will need to do everything by yourself even something as simple as making your bed and keeping your room clean.? You also need to get along with everyone in the house.? Participating in sports activities with your peers helps to keep you fit and healthy while developing and improving your social interaction skills as well.?

It is actually crucial to stay in sober living homes immediately after leaving the rehabilitation centers because this is the time when you are most prone to giving in to temptation.? The 24/7 guidance and support of the staff in the sober living homes is extremely beneficial because they will prevent you from falling back a step.

Casa Nuevo Vida (or the House of New Life) is a perfect example of high-end sober living houses.? They actually have three locations in Los Angeles, each catering to male guests.? They have expansive rooms, manicured gardens, a swimming pool and a host of other amenities.? Their staff is professionally trained to handle the demands of recovering patients so you have nothing to worry about.?


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Gordon Ramsays Healthy Appetite US Reviews - Healthy meal ...

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Main Courses> Gordon Ramsay?s healthy appetite Gordon Ramsay U.S. Comments healthy appetite Reviews Aug 23, 2009 | Comments: is a list of revisions at Gordon Rsamsay ?s Book 2008 healthy appetite.

This was my first cookbook from celebrity, what was skeptical. Contrary to my fears of expensive ingredients found can ?t be found, Ramsay? s recipe seemed so simple ? not only at the time of preparation, but also in the number of steps. As a nod to busy moms, the dishes have been the time to meet with provision of minor importance.

eye-pleasing colors and an easy-to increase the list of the ledger, the pages are about the thickness of cardboard, resistant to tearing, folding or wrinkling ? a very useful thing when squinting eyes on a page on a hot stove bubbling pots. The issue of efficiency remains with recipes prepared food sections, rather than grouped by ingredient. The book claims healthy recipes, tasty ? and offers just that. We chose three items from the dinner and dessert to try for our family of six: beef roast lamb, lentils with a side of green beans, spinach and goat cheese souffle with vanilla pannacota cranberry sauce. As I had never cooked souffl? mixture was surprised when the gold came out really delicious bread baked French bread complete the meal. My husband enjoyed all the dishes, there was not a bite left on the Children ?s plates. hardly have imagined the food you? d consumed was healthy. The verdict: a filling meal for six celebrities ? made at home, with dessert, for less than $ 40 in ingredients. Another thought this review was amazing cookbook with lots of flare!, One of his famous quotes ? ?What?s cooking in the kitchen F Word can do at home.? It is absolutely truth! ?Fresh food simply prepared,? is another of his mantras is also true with this book. I have never cooked at all levels of this caliber ever I?m so touched about this book, I bought the other book ?Fast Food?. This is an incredible change for me from the kitchen to plate the dish beautifully. My wife is nothing short of amazed! A person who bought the book as a gift reported the following ? I bought this book for my sister who love Gordon Ramsay. Then he looked through it an hour, I said it was wonderful, and had some fantastic recipes. So you can ?t say personally, but like her kitchen, my sister in law knows your meal! An obvious fan Ramsey said of this book of recipes ? Love Gordon Ramsay ? The love of your recipes. Easy to follow and delicious. I do feel like I am a chef who cares about the quality food. I recommend this book to any level of cook / chef. Simplicity Ramsay ?s refreshing. A + +. A reviewer from Texas, wrote that the appetite for Gordon Ramsay? s healthy is designed to be very accessible. For someone who is trying to have a healthier lifestyle, can have a great dining experience personal, or as a first cookbook, this is ideal. Chef Ramsay puts a simple preparation of quality ingredients and flavors that combine well together in the heart of the dining experience. None of the recipes

contain ingredients that are so exotic to your local market should be without them, or at least an adequate substitute. In addition, the ingredients are such that no one should be afraid to try. The book is quite impressive. Adorned with beautiful photographs that can inspire the recipients to add that extra aesthetic touch

thoughts An easy way to summarize the Most people ?s in the book is one, final revision and simple, I am very happy with this cookbook, which has many delicious and easy recipes that will make your dinner guest who hired a chef. Note to its increased traffic with the presentation of papers only with us, click here to begin. I like this story? Click here to post on your website or blog, it?s free and easy! Mel Siff ? About the author: JefeEl Club plonker Gordon Ramsay official plonkerEl ]]> Questions and Answers Ask our experts to questions related to the main course here ? Ask 200 characters Gordon Ramsay restaurants own? How many stars are Gordon Ramsay has? Gordon Ramsay was a footballer? Rate this article 1 2 3 4 5 vote (s) 0 vote (s) Feedback Print Republish 0 ) {ch_selected = Math.floor (Math.random () * ch_queries.length) if (ch_selected ch_queries.length ==) ch_selected -; ch_query = ch_queries [ch_selected];}} catch (e) {document.title = ch_query ;}]]> Source: Tags cooking, cookbook, cooking comments, recipes, recipes, Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsey, health related articles Related Videos Recently Mel Main Dish More Ramsay Cookbook Review

love it or loath it, this guy can cook! We take a look at two of his recent books and let you know what you think. (04:23) make perfume original

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healthy appetite. It was launched in 2008 and published Key Porter Books in the U.S. and Quadrille Publishing Ltd in the UK. This 256-page book has a different cover in both regions, so it?s not like me and the book because it looks different! This, as the title suggests is a great book and a step back from the standard European cuisine, where flavor is king and forget the calories! It reflects the healthy lifestyle appetite ffuelling Gordon Ramsay hi

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Acer Announces The Core i5 Aspire S3 Ultrabook, Available This Week For The Ultra-Bargain Of $899

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Can Students really use the iPhone as a mobile learning tool ...

Dublin, Ireland ? The British Council estimates that ?2 billion people globally require English language training?. isengua is building mobile applications that will offer students an alternative to the physical classroom using the new mobile platforms to deliver learning outcomes. Over the past two years there has been a marked change in how web browsing is viewed and available research indicates a marked shift from desktop/laptop to mobile. By 2015 mobile browsing will be the predominant access form and mobile applications will form an important part of the e-learning community. Mobile learning is set to become the industry norm giving Students access to quality content at a fraction of the normal cost.

Productivity Apps are becoming more prevalent in the app store. To date the majority of language Apps have all been static without genuine interaction. The iEnglisch app offers students the opportunity to access learning content on high quality video with instruction from native English teachers. The App includes 20 video modules totalling 180 minutes of content and interactive lesson tests. Students are required to pass the test in each module before being allowed to continue to the next lesson. All the courses available on ?iEnglisch? follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) levels A1 ? C2.

The iEnglisch App is now available in the iTunes store. It can be found in the education category and is free to download. The free App comes with a preview video, interactive level test and the introductory lesson 1. In-App purchasing allows students to download further lessons with prices ranging from Euro1.99 to Euro 3.99.

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isengua is based in Dublin, Ireland. Established in 2009 the company has spent two years developing quality programmes for their mobile applications. Isengua took the strategic decision to bypass the web and concentrate solely on mobile browsing. The directors of isengua have fifteen years of experience between them in the education field. Investing in high definition video and professional post production methods along with qualified native language teachers, isengua aims to bring a quality learning product to the mobile world. Copyright (C) 2011 isengua. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 at 13:30 and is filed under Mac News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.


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