Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hematological Cancer Therapies: Pipelines, Markets, and Business ...

Hematological cancers arise from and are found in the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic systems. The first hematological cancer to be identified was Hodgkin?s disease, or Hodgkin lymphoma, in 1832. Since that time, many different hematological cancers have been identified, including the various types of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma, plus the myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative diseases. Altogether, hematological cancers represent a significant medical problem: The American Cancer Society estimated that there would be 140,310 new cases of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma, combined, in the United States in 2011, and that 53,010 people would die of these diseases this year.

In this Report on Hematological Cancer Therapies, we focus on the many different types of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma, and myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative diseases. Current pharmacological therapies that are used to treat these various hematological cancers are discussed. In addition, there is significant activity on the part of pharmaceutical companies to further develop a number of the currently available therapies for additional indications.

A primary focus of this Report is on pipelines of emerging therapies in development for treatment of hematological cancers. Specifically, the clinical development pipelines for leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myeloproliferative diseases are reviewed. Selected emerging therapies that are in Phase II or later stages of development are discussed in the text, while the extensive accompanying tables include these emerging therapies plus many additional earlier-stage therapies that are in development.

Published: February 2012
Price: Single User License: US$ 2495 ? ? ? ? ?Corporate User License: US$ 9950

In recent years, newer and more specific therapies for hematological cancers have been developed, such as targeted small-molecule drugs and biological therapies including monoclonal antibodies. However, there remains significant need from a clinical perspective, as well as challenges and opportunities for pharmaceutical companies. This report discusses:

  • The different types of hematological cancers, including information about the specific disease, its epidemiology, subtypes and/or staging if appropriate, current therapies, and patient prognosis.
  • Pipelines of emerging drugs for treatment of hematological cancers including leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myeloproliferative diseases.?
  • Business and strategic considerations relating to pharmacological therapy for hematological cancers, including assessment of the current market as well as potential markets for emerging new therapies.?
  • Major challenges and hurdles for companies developing hematological cancer therapies.?
  • Interviews with experts in the field of hematological cancers, which were conducted exclusively for this report.
Browse all CHI Healthtech Reports


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Real Estate | House For Sale in Louisiana-How to Rehab and ...

?House For Sale in Alabama How to Find the Perfect Fixer Upper
If you are looking to buy a house for sale in Alabama and you want to get into the fixer upper, flip or more commonly called rehab market here are some ways to find the perfect starter house. If you have never bought a house for sale outside for your own personal use there are a handful of ways to find that perfect flip house and in today?s environment you may want to start calling it home rehabbing, banks are very negative on any real estate flipping today. I will lay out several ways to go...

?Boundary Line Agreement For Land For Sale in Louisiana
After you have found that Land for sale in Louisiana you have been searching so long for check out a few things to cut down on potential problems at closing or even worse after you?ve purchased the property. I have seen so many times after a client buys that dream property, goes to walk it after the purchase then meets the neighbor for the first time and gets informed he is not on the property he thinks. After you have found your Louisiana land for sale the natural next move is to close on it...

?Points to Ponder When Looking at Mississippi Land For Sale
The time has finally come and you are ready to buy a piece of property to build your dream home on. Living in Mississippi offers many wonderful and unique places which can make choosing the right place to raise your family a challenge. When you are looking at Mississippi land for sale to build your new home on there are several things that you need to be aware of before you buy the property and end up with a piece of land that is not suitable. Since you are looking for a piece of land for sale...

?A Guide to Buying Mississippi Farms For Sale
If you are interested in farms for sale in Mississippi, you will find that the state has some excellent fertile soil capable of growing many different crops. You will also find that there are many different sizes of farms for sale from small home farms or mini farms to full size agricultural farms sometimes called Agri land capable of sustaining a decent income level for the farmer. However if you are going to by a farm there are several things you need to check into before you actually sign...

?Land For Sale in Alabama The Loan Process
If you are in the market to buy land for sale in Alabama you will need to prepare early for the loan process. In the new world of loans post the great collapse whether all want to call it that or not, that is what has happened, you are in a new lending environment. When looking to purchase land for sale in Alabama let?s go over some conventional loan procedures and we will discuss some alternative loan methods. If you are in the early stages of finding yourself that perfect tract of land to...

?Hunting Land For Sale in Alabama Know Your Neighbor
When you are looking at hunting land for sale in Alabama do some checking on the property and who might be your new neighbor. If you find a perfect tract of land for your hunting camp in Alabama and buy it without checking on anything you might find yourself with property you would like to give away just to get away from the nightmare that want go away. If you find yourself looking for that perfect hunting land for sale in Alabama let me give you a few tips to follow before you go through with...

?Thoroughly Inspect Any Property For Sale in Mississippi Before You Buy It
The current recession has opened up a lot of property for sale in Mississippi for both investors and those looking to find a place to live. Any time you set out to buy a piece of property, a home or even a business you are going to be investing a lot of money even if you have to finance your purchase. With this in mind you need to make sure you know what you are buying before you enter into a contract to purchase. These simple tips can help save years of living in a home that has you tearing...

?Tips For Buying Real Estate For Sale in Mississippi
Whether you are looking for a piece of real estate for sale in Mississippi to build a family home on or a place where you can retire and enjoy your golden years you will find that there are several thing that you need to take into consideration. As you drive around the state you are likely to see many different signs advertising property for sale, this might lead you to think it would be relatively simple to buy a piece of property to build you home on. While it may be possible to find real...

?Land For Sale in Texas Roll Back Taxes Beware
If you buy land for sale in Texas beware if you change the use of the land you could become responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in taxes that have nothing to do with you. If you are in the market for some nice pasture, ranch, or hunting land for sale in Texas you may want to sit up and read this carefully. In Texas the tax base is lowered dramatically for what is called Ag land or agriculture land, this is to give farmers and ranchers a much needed tax break and I have no problem with...

?Commercial Property For Sale in Alabama Lease Agreements
When you are looking for commercial property for sale in Alabama and you find the perfect place the next step is getting financing for your property. If you execute a contract on the property typically you will have 30 days to close on the deal or you could get sued for specific performance. I will present one option and give you some details on how to accomplish some special financing for your new commercial property. In today?s unfriendly lending environment especially for commercial lending...


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Contraceptives Work Well in Obese Women, But Hormone Levels Lower (HealthDay)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]HealthDay - THURSDAY, Feb. 23 (HealthDay News) -- Hormonal contraceptives
appear to thwart pregnancy just as well in overweight and obese women as
those of normal weight despite markedly lower pregnancy-prevention hormone
levels among heavier females, a group of reproductive experts said.


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In legislatures and courtrooms, busy weeks ahead for voter ID

By Tom Curry, National Affairs Writer

In an election year dominated by battles over health care mandates, tax rates, and rising gasoline prices, it?s the mechanics of voting ? and who?ll get to vote in November ? that?s getting full-time attention from state legislators, election lawyers, and judges.

In the latest example, the Virginia state Senate is headed for a vote Friday on a new voter identification requirement ? one more indication that the voter ID controversy will keep boiling in legislatures and in the courts right up to Election Day.

These new voter ID laws are being proposed almost exclusively by Republican legislators and governors in states throughout the nation, spawning both litigation and angry rhetoric from Democrats.

?All of a sudden after the 2008 election, these (voter ID laws) miraculously appear,? said Rep. Frederica Wilson, D- Fla. at a recent anti-voter ID event at the Capitol. ?Why? Because we have a black president in the White House and it is to stop all of the people of color from ? coming out to vote, because they (the proponents of voter ID laws) know who they are targeting ?"

Here?s the status of some recently enacted voter ID laws and states where such laws might be considered this year:

Enacted but blocked
South Carolina: Last December, the Justice Department denied approval of the state?s voter ID law requiring voters to present photo identification that Gov. Nikki Haley had signed in May. Under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, South Carolina is one of nine states that must seek approval, or ?pre-clearance,? from the Justice Department or a federal court in Washington, D.C., in order to make any change in voting procedure.

State Attorney General Alan Wilson brought suit in federal court, arguing that the requirements ?are at most a temporary inconvenience? to some voters. The state contended that its law was nearly identical to one enacted by Indiana and upheld by the Supreme Court in 2008. Therefore barring South Carolina from doing what Indiana had done would ?raise serious constitutional concerns? about whether Section 5 ?violates South Carolina?s right to equal sovereignty.?

In a separate but related case with big implications for voter ID laws, Shelby County, Ala., is fighting in the federal appeals court in Washington to have Section 5 of VRA struck down as unconstitutional. The appeals court heard oral arguments on Jan. 19 and a ruling is likely in the next several weeks. ?The Shelby County case will likely end up before the Supreme Court and if the justices were to strike down Section 5, the Justice Department would no longer be able to pre-emptively block changes in voting laws.? The department would still be able to use another Section of the VRA to challenge voting laws that have a racially discriminatory impact.

Enacted but likely to be blocked
Texas: State Attorney General Greg Abbott filed a suit last month in federal court, asking that Texas be permitted this year to use the photo ID law Gov. Rick Perry signed last spring.

Under Section 5 of the VRA, the Justice Department is now considering Texas?s law, having asked for additional information from the state on the race and ethnicity of Texas voters and drivers. The department must give its response to the Texas law by March 12.

In his filing, Abbott said Texas did not have the racial and ethnic data the Justice Department wanted. ?Indeed, the very reason Texas refuses to maintain racial and ethnic data on its list of registered voters is to facilitate a colorblind electoral process,? he said.

Even in the unlikely event the Justice Department were to approve the Texas law, opponents of the law contend that there would be problems implementing it.

?The state is not ready to allow citizens the ability to obtain this kind of voter ID,? said Rep. Charlie Gonzales, D- Texas. ?It goes way beyond just going to the Department of Public Safety and standing in line. You still have to have your birth certificate; if you?re divorced and your name is different you have to get a certified copy of your divorce decree. There are so many hoops to jump through.?

Enacted but may be blocked
Laws similar to those in South Carolina and Texas have passed in several states and are likely to be opposed by the Justice Department over the same concerns.

Alabama:? Another Section 5 state, Alabama passed a voter ID law which doesn?t take effect until 2014.

Mississippi:? Voters last November approved a ballot initiative to create a photo ID requirement. But the legislature must provide funding to implement the law and the state must receive Justice Department approval since Mississippi is a Section 5 state.

Wisconsin: On Tuesday Wisconsin conducted its first elections under the voter ID law that Republican Gov. Scott Walker signed last year.? Wisconsin is not covered by Section 5 of the VRA but challenges have already been launched. On Thursday civil rights groups and a labor union coalition filed a suit against the law arguing that it discriminates against black and Latino voters. The American Civil Liberties Union has also filed a suit seeking to block enforcement of the law. One argument ACLU makes is that the cost of obtaining a copy of a birth certificate ($20 in Wisconsin, more in other states) in order to get a state ID card would be ?a severe financial burden? for some people, a burden that violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The voting in municipal and county primary elections in Wisconsin went smoothly, according to the Associated Press. Walker commented on his Twitter account: ?1st election w/photo ID required & it seems to have run well. Proof that common sense still works.?

But Rep. Gwen Moore, D- Wisc., a longtime political foe of Walker, alleges the governor "clearly has had a goal?for many,?many years to?disenfranchise people of color."

She also contended that the law would hurt President Barack Obama?s chances to win the state in November, adding, ?This is strictly designed to disenfranchise people who would otherwise vote for Democrats."

Asked to comment on Moore?s remarks, Walker?s spokesman Cullen Werwie said, ?Requiring photo identification to vote is common sense ? we require it to get a library card, cold medicine, and public assistance.? Gov. Walker will continue to implement common sense reforms that protect the electoral process and increases citizens? confidence in the results of our elections.??

May be enacted this year
Virginia:? The state Senate is likely to vote Friday on a bill that would require a voter to present some form of identification but would allow him or her to use an employee identification card containing a photograph of the voter, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, or paycheck that shows the name and address of the voter. As a VRA Section 5-covered state, Virginia would need to gets its law cleared by the Justice Department.

Pennsylvania:? The Pennsylvania House passed a voter ID bill last year. Both Republican and Democratic sources say that there will be a renewed push for voter ID to pass in the state Senate, where the GOP has a 30 to 20 majority, and to be sent on to Republican Gov. Tom Corbett for his signature in the next couple of months. Corbett has said he supports a voter ID law.

Minnesota: A Minnesota state senate committee has approved a proposed amendment to the state constitution to require photo ID for voting, but it has yet to be approved by the full state senate and the state House. Last year, Gov. Mark Dayton, a Democrat, vetoed a voter ID bill which had been passed by the Republican-majority state legislature.?

Missouri: On the November ballot is a proposed amendment to the state constitution which would allow for the legislature to impose a photo ID requirement. Republican state Sen. Bill Stouffer, the sponsor of that measure, predicts it will pass with 75 percent or more of the vote. The legislature last year passed a photo ID bill which Democratic Gov.? Jay Nixon vetoed.

Recently enacted
Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Kansas all enacted photo ID laws last year. None has yet been enjoined or struck down.? None of those states are covered by Section 5 of the VRA.

Not likely to be enacted this year
Iowa: The state?s Republican Secretary of State Matt Schultz has proposed a photo identification law but state Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal opposes the idea.

Ohio: The Ohio House passed a photo ID bill last year but the Senate didn?t act on it. The prospects do not look good for passing a bill this year, said Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican.

He said the photo ID bill last year ?polarized people over the whole concept of election reform and modernization. The photo ID bill was much more ?nuclear,?? he said, than another bill, which he supported, to shorten and standardize the early voting period in every country in the state.? ?Once it (the photo ID bill) came on the scene, the common-sense conversations stopped and ? it was really hard to build consensus around thoughtful reforms,? Husted said.?


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Friday, February 24, 2012

Beastly Academy Awards: Stars of the Animal Kingdom (

[unable to retrieve full-text content] - Movie stars will soon be walking the red carpet to win (or lose) Academy Awards. But why should humans have all the fun? We've translated Oscar categories into superlatives for the furry animals, creepy insects and other organisms that share our planet. Who will win best costume? What about best makeup? Read on for our animal "celebrity" winners.


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No. 2 Syracuse beats South Florida 56-48 (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - Scoop Jardine scored 15 points to help No. 2 Syracuse overcome a 13-point first-half deficit and beat South Florida 56-48 on Wednesday night.


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

West LA Real Estate-West LA Homes for Sale: MLS Home Search ...

A solid game plan can help you narrow your home buying search to find the best home for you.

House hunting is just like any other shopping expedition. If you identify exactly what you want and do some research, you'll zoom in on the home you want at the best price. These eight tips will guide you through a smart home buying process.

1. Know thyself

Understand the type of home that suits your personality. Do you prefer a new or existing home? A ranch or a multi-story home? If you're leaning toward a fixer-upper, are you truly handy, or will you need to budget for contractors?

2. Research before you look

List the features you most want in a home and identify which are necessities and which are extras. Identify three to four neighborhoods you'd like to live in based on commute time, schools, recreation, crime, and price. Then hop onto to get a feel for the homes available in your price range in your favorite neighborhoods. Use the results to prioritize your wants and needs so you can add in and weed out properties from the inventory you'd like to view.

3. Get your finances in order

Generally, lenders say you can afford a home priced two to three times your gross income. Create a budget so you know how much you're comfortable spending each month on housing. Don't wait until you've found a home and made an offer to investigate financing.

Gather your financial records and meet with a lender to get a prequalification letter spelling out how much you're eligible to borrow. The lender won't necessarily consider the extra fees you'll pay when you purchase or your plans to begin a family or purchase a new car, so shop in a price range you're comfortable with. Also, presenting an offer contingent on financing will make your bid less attractive to sellers.

4. Set a moving timeline

Do you have blemishes on your credit that will take time to clear up? If you already own, have you sold your current home? If not, you'll need to factor in the time needed to sell. If you rent, when is your lease up? Do you expect interest rates to jump anytime soon? All these factors will affect your buying, closing, and moving timelines.

5. Think long term

Your future plans may dictate the type of home you'll buy. Are you looking for a starter house with plans to move up in a few years, or do you hope to stay in the home for five to 10 years? With a starter, you may need to adjust your expectations. If you plan to nest, be sure your priority list helps you identify a home you'll still love years from now.


6. Work with a REALTOR

Ask people you trust for referrals to a real estate professional they trust. Interview agents to determine which have expertise in the neighborhoods and type of homes you're interested in. Because homebuying triggers many emotions, consider whether an agent's style meshes with your personality.

Also ask if the agent specializes in buyer representation. Unlike listing agents, whose first duty is to the seller, buyers' reps work only for you even though they're typically paid by the seller. Finally, check whether agents are REALTORS, which means they're members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS & NAR has been a champion of homeownership rights for more than a century.

7. Be realistic

It's OK to be picky about the home and neighborhood you want, but don't be close-minded, unrealistic, or blinded by minor imperfections. If you insist on living in a cul-de-sac, you may miss out on great other issues-like noise levels-that can have a big impact on your quality of life. Use your priority list to evaluate each property, remembering there's no such thing as the perfect home.

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8. Limit the opinions you solicit

It's natural to seek reassurance when making a big financial decision. But you know that saying about too many cooks in the kitchen. If you need a second opinion, select one or two people. But remain true to your list of wants and needs so the final decision is based on criteria you've identified as important.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

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This song earned Mastodon a Grammy nod. And, for those of you wondering, no. Snorting wood chips will not get you high. The other part about mushrooms giving you super strength and a lush Paul Bunyan beard—scientific FACT. More »


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Friday, February 17, 2012

Parenting Suggestions for Disciplining Your Children ? ArticlePlusX ...

Raising your children begins with developing a relationship with them that will allow you to be an effective parent. Parents in our modern culture have their job cut out for them when raising children. Downtime is usually not an option for the working parent because they are not only providing for their family but taking care of them as well at home. If you want to raise your children right, take the time to raise them in a positive manner. Though it is difficult, we love our kids and will do almost anything for them because we are their parents. The mark of a great parent is one that has a loving bond with their kids which will continue even after they leave.

While every age has its positive and negative traits, many parents find that a toddler acting out is one of the hardest things of all to deal with. When there?s a need to discipline your child in public, the important thing is to do it as soon as possible. While it?s not pleasant to deal with this kind of situation in public, you have to address it and the sooner the better. Even though you?re in a public area, though, it?s usually possible to find a little privacy where you?re not right in front of people.

You?re not out to damage the self esteem of the child, which can happen if you berate them in public. You?re trying to improve the character of your children, and public humiliation doesn?t do much in this regard.

The reason that we try to teach our children values is to prepare them for life. In addition to providing proper care, we have to teach them how to get along in the world. One thing you can teach them is about cooperation and you can do this by showing them how to be polite. Parents need to be polite to their children by asking them to do things instead of telling them, which will help reinforce their ability to be positive. To make sure that your children learn how to be polite, you should always interact in a courteous and helpful manner not only with them but with all others. Behaving in this way will help them to be upstanding citizens after they have grown up.

There?s no point in creating rules or standards for your children to follow if they can get away with ignoring them with no repercussions. In other words, there has to be consistency between what you tell your kids about consequences and what you actually do when they break the rules. If your children learn that they can get out of any punishment by whining or pleading, your disciplinary efforts will come to nothing. You will be sending a clear message to your child that will only come back to haunt you perhaps until they leave home. That?s why it?s crucial to stay firm so your kids will learn that the rules must be taken seriously. They may not like it, but you will be teaching them a very positive lesson regarding rules and consequences.

If you listen to your gut feelings, you?ll usually make the right decisions as a parent. Plus, you carry your experiences from childhood and the teen years with you. Whether you?re aware of it or not, this is a valuable resource that?s always available to you. Whether the lessons you learned were positive or negative, they can be very useful when looking at the situations that come up for your children now.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sandusky pleased by grandkid visits, jury rulings (AP)

HARRISBURG, Pa. ? Jerry Sandusky says he's relieved and pleased that a judge is giving him permission to see his grandchildren as he awaits trial on child sex abuse allegations.

The former Penn State assistant football coach reacted on Monday to Judge John Cleland's ruling that lets him have contact with most of his grandchildren. Cleland also resolved other pretrial issues.

A release from Sandusky's lawyer's office says they're also happy with Cleland's denial of a request by the state attorney general's office that jurors be selected from outside the State College area.

Defense attorney Joe Amendola says they've always believed they'll be able to get a fair and impartial jury in Centre County.

Cleland says he hopes to start the trial in mid-May.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

The judge in Jerry Sandusky's child sex abuse trial on Monday granted the former Penn State assistant coach's request to have a jury composed of residents of State College and the surrounding area and gave him permission to visit with most of his grandchildren.

Judge John Cleland ordered the state attorney general's office to tell defense lawyers where and when the purported crimes occurred and how old the children were at the time.

The judge said jury selection will be a challenge, given the pretrial publicity and the special role that Penn State plays in the Centre County community.

"If, after a reasonable attempt it is apparent that a jury cannot be selected within a reasonable time, then I will reconsider this ruling," Cleland wrote.

Cleland encouraged state prosecutors to work with the judge who supervised a grand jury that investigated Sandusky to figure out how to release grand jury transcripts to Sandusky's lawyers "on a schedule which balances the appropriate interests of maintaining the secrecy of the grand jury while still assuring the trial can proceed without unnecessary disruption."

Sandusky faces 52 criminal counts for what prosecutors say was the sexual abuse of 10 boys over a 15-year period. He has denied the allegations.

Prosecutors had asked to have Sandusky, who is on home confinement as he awaits trial, ordered to remain indoors after they fielded concerns by neighbors about the safety of children, particularly at an elementary school behind Sandusky's house. Cleland denied that motion.

"No evidence was presented that at any time the defendant made any effort to contact any of the children by signaling or calling to them, or that he made any gestures directed toward them, or that he acted in any inappropriate way whatsoever," Cleland wrote.

Sandusky, 68, was granted the right to see adult visitors, as well as his grandchildren ? under their parents' supervision ? except for three grandchildren who are the subject of custody litigation. Cleland deferred visits with those children to the judge overseeing the custody case.

Sandusky was allowed to make up a list of up to 12 adults he would like to be able to see, subject to approval by the county officials overseeing his home confinement. He will be limited to a total of two hours of visits, three times a week.

Cleland, who has set a tentative trial date for mid-May, addressed disputes between the sides over material that should be turned over to the defense by directing prosecutors to put their objections in writing by Feb. 20. Sandusky's lawyers will be allowed to reply by Feb. 27.

Sandusky lost a request to force prosecutors to disclose the names, addresses and birthdates of witnesses.

Calls seeking comment weren't immediately returned by Sandusky attorney Joe Amendola or by a spokesman for the attorney general's office.

Also Monday, a Penn State administrator asked a judge to throw out charges that he lied to the grand jury investigating Sandusky and that he failed to properly report suspected child abuse.

Tim Curley filed motions in Dauphin County Court that argued the death of football coach Joe Paterno last month left prosecutors without a required second witness to support the perjury charge.

He said that allegations he didn't report suspected abuse in 2002 were filed under a revision of the law that was passed five years later and that the statute of limitations has expired. Prosecutors didn't respond to a request for comment.

The 57-year-old Curley is on leave as athletic director as he awaits trial. Former Penn State vice president Gary Schultz, who faces the same charges as Curley, has not filed similar motions. Both have denied the allegations.


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Saturday, February 11, 2012

95% Pina

All Critics (82) | Top Critics (21) | Fresh (78) | Rotten (4) | DVD (1)

For anyone with an interest in dance, "Pina" is a must-see. For anyone not interested in contemporary dance, "Pina" is a should-see. It could change your mind.

Pina is a tribute of an artist by an artist, a friend to a friend. But its great genius comes from the mournful, as well as celebratory, reckoning of the performers Bausch pushed, collaborated with and inspired.

What might seem like a convenient bid for publicity - the first 3-D art-house film! - turns out to be the only logical way to showcase the action.

This meditation on movement and space, transportation and transcendence is not to be missed.

What the filmmaker has created is an inspired simulacrum - a jewel-box that contains more of Bausch's kinetic soul than film has any right to.

Crane and steadycam allow Wenders to get so close to the action that in the minimalist Caf? M?ller, one's illusion of being on stage is uncanny.

Most documentaries put us inside people's heads. The dazzling, experimental Pina puts us inside people's feet.

[An] utterly transfixing, exhilarating spectacle of bodies in motion.

The 3-D is so subtle, unobtrusive and low-key that at times I felt like I was watching the movie through a View-Master rather than the requisite plastic glasses. That's not meant as a knock.

"Pina" isn't just for dance fans or those curious about the latest in 3-D. It's a celebration of life.

An immersive moviegoing experience beyond imagination.

A unique and often sublime artistic experience, "Pina" is a 3-D dance film that immerses us in the movement, letting us feel that we could reach out and touch these dancers as they float past us.

Outsiders might have more difficulty comprehending Bausch's mastery, especially whacked up into bite-sized pieces of inscrutable emotion and abrupt movement.

Dance fans won't want to miss it, but be prepared to be frustrated almost as often as you're awed.

Exciting if elusive - appealing to dance enthusiasts

Wenders and the Tanztheater company have combined to offer a masterful tribute to Bausch's unique vision, one that's enhanced by 3D.

A spectacular show of movement and stagecraft.

Sans 3D, Pina becomes a more unified work of undisputed merits, a passionate, fitting tribute from one of Europe's preeminent filmmakers and documentarians.

Pina is as rich in imagery and emotion as any film released this year and in some cases moreso.

This seems like a ripping good idea. In practice, "Pina" turns out to have a few problems.

Suggests thrilling new possibilities for the marriage of movies and dance.

Wenders, who so wanted to see the world through Pina's eyes, has done something even better. He's allowed posterity to see her world, and in a way as breathtaking as the work itself.

More Critic Reviews

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Rosie O'Donnell: Super Matchmaker

Talk-show host Rosie O?Donnell played cupid at this year?s Super Bowl, introducing the newly single Jenny McCarthy, 39, to the always-praying Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, 24.

Rosie was in Indianapolis doing a special radio show for SiriusXM Satellite Radio. The Saturday before the game, Rosie was interviewing Jenny live on-air and the former Playboy Playmate revealed to Rosie that she was "newly single" and "had a crush on Tim Tebow.? At the conclusion of the interview, Rosie realized that Tim was nearby waiting to do an interview with another radio show and sprung into action.

?Rosie jumped up and took Jenny by the arm and walked her over to Tim. She said to him, ?Hi, I?m Rosie O?Donnell and this is Jenny McCarthy and she?s single. I think you two would be perfect together. Now exchange telephone numbers.? Rosie then walked away,? a source tells In Touch.

Jenny and Tim did exchange numbers and chatted a bit, before his handlers whisked him away to complete his scheduled radio tour. Jenny went back over to Rosie to thank her for setting her up and said: ?We?ll see what happens now Ro!?

Jenny most famously dated actor Jim Carrey for five years. The couple broke up in 2010. In 2011, she began dating sports agent Paul Krepelka, but the TV talent told Rosie they broke up late last year.


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Law as well as the Lawyer Profession

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By: Rindone Pezzuti

Our country's legal systems govern high of our day-to-day lives. In its most basic definition, laws are rules and guidelines upheld with the people who came to an agreement for conduct. There is law to guard our basic rights and laws to safeguard our property. There are laws that govern our conduct in relation to business, financial, and social practices. There are even laws to maintain the structure of our very own established legal system. There are many several types of law, therefore there is a need many different types of lawyers.

When most people consider lawyer, they think of the litigation lawyer, someone who represents another in court once they have committed a criminal offenses. A crime is definitely not assault or murder, like that which is depicted in lots of TV dramas. A crime is whenever a person breaks any legislations. In our country, everyone is innocent until eventually proven guilty. Everyone has a right to be appointed legal portrayal. Everyone is granted the opportunity to a trial. However, practicing law is so much more than representing and individual in court.

There are many various kinds of lawyers who practice within the various fields of legislation. Law is a profession that requires advanced education and often a specialized track of concentrate. Because law is this kind of vast subject, a lawyer must have knowledge of both law in an overall sense and the specifics of the desired field of perform. Here are a few examples of types of law.

Contract Law Contracts are an a part of almost every social as well as business practice today. We sign contracts for all sorts of things. A contract is any mutual obligation between a pair of parties. When a contract is signed it is usually used in court in the written agreement is certainly not upheld by either get together. Think about situations where "fine print" can be a discussion. If you do not thoroughly consent to a contract, it's best not to sign it. A lawyer is proficient in drafting contracts, interpreting contracts, and representing individuals in court when it comes to upholding contracts.

Property Law Property law protects a persons' property. Real estate law is catagorized under this category given it protects the rights regarding owners of homes or businesses. It also protects private property. There are also patent laws and copyright laws that protect intellectual property, things that you've both invented or written. There are many specialized lawyers that manage a variety of different property law subjects

Constitutional Law This is the sort of law that governs modern society, the important rules that help uphold society. It defines a social norm. It expresses both our basic rights as well as the details of federal along with state rights. It's actually a group of legal documents that define the way you govern our country. This is a crucial branch of law just because a lawyer needs to realize it in great detail so as to best represent a particular person in court

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Top Articles World ? Safe And Effective Natural Cure For Erectile ...

Erectile dysfunction is one among the main reproductive disorders found among men of any age group. Persisting condition of this health disorder can induce both physical as well as psychological disorders in patients. Treatment options for erectile dysfunction or impotence is mainly prescribed after analyzing the underlying cause of problem. Best treatment option addresses the underlying cause of problem and allows patients to continue satisfied relationship with partner. At present, there are hundreds of products available in market boasting impotence cure feature. Before choosing a product from market, it is advised to do a thorough research about product ingredients and feedbacks. In order to ensure maximum safety, it is advised to pick one made out of herbal ingredients. Presence of herbal aphrodisiacs in best supplements boosts the overall health of reproductive organs. It ensures complete safety and minimizes the risk of side effects on user.

Horny goat weed, a common ingredient used for the preparation of ayurvedic medicines is a safe and natural cure for erectile dysfunction problem. This herbal medicine has been used for centuries for the treatment of reproductive disorders. It is found to be very beneficial for those people suffering from impotence due to hypertension. Horny goat weed relaxes nerve cells and acts as a perfect cure for nervous disorders like stress, anxiety and depression. Apart from treating erectile dysfunction, intake of horny goat weed extract also stimulates libido in men. Curing bronchitis, enhancing the functioning of immune system, lowering blood sugar level and treating menopause are other health benefits of consuming horny goat weed extract. Similar to horny goat weed, gingko biloba is another safe and natural cure for erectile dysfunction problem in men. It improves blood circulation throughout the body and acts as a natural rejuvenator of overall health.

Tribulus terrestris is one among the safe and natural cures for erectile dysfunction problem in men. This herbal supplement is also found to be as a best cure for treating low libido problems. Low level of testosterone hormone is reported as a main cause for the formation of erectile dysfunction trouble. Intake of tribulus terrestris extract boosts the production of testosterone hormone and improves the functioning of reproductive organs safely. Apart from curing impotence problem, regular use of tribulus terrestris also helps in improving muscle strength, curing headaches and preventing dizziness. Nowadays, you can easily get tribulus terrestris from medical stores in the form of pills, capsules and extracts. This herbal supplement ensures complete safety and induces zero side effects onuser.

Booster capsule is a best recommended safe and natural cure for erectile dysfunction problem in men. This herbal supplement is a perfect composition of aphrodisiac ingredients. Some among the active ingredients used for the preparation of booster capsule include mucuna pruriens, withania somnifera, asparagus racemosus and piper longum. In order to achieve best result, it is advised to intake this herbal supplement consistently for three to four months duration. As per studies, hormonal imbalance is found to be as a main cause of impotence problem. Intake of this herbal supplement acts on body cells and boosts the functioning of reproductive organs naturally.

Read effectiveness of herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills. Also know Erectile Dysfunction Herbal Remedy.

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Tags: effective cure for erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction cure, erectile dysfunction natural cure, natural cure for erectile dysfunction


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Friday, February 3, 2012

Small children and Pet dogs - Canine Assaults, Why? | ViaIKLAN ...

Which includes all way of canine assault, like as difficulties amongst youngsters and puppies, together with pet dogs chasing or charging a person.

Usually men and women question me: ?Big amounts ? In which is your evidence??

The evidence is easy real truth. 1000s of folks in this particular nation are canine proprietors, but only a few are educated from the technique to look over pet dog system language, or tips on how to quit a canine in assault mode. Only a few puppy entrepreneurs fully grasp puppy instinctive habits.

What generally takes place when an grownup and youngster are involved with a pet dog strike is one thing such as this:

A mom (get in touch with her ?Mary?) and elementary college baby (contact him ?Joe?) are strolling down the sidewalk. From nowhere looms a tremendous pet who genuinely feels threatening. They stick to the outdated college of ?avoid eye make contact with and operate ? he will not see you for a menace and he?ll not get you.? Terrified, they generate an operate for it.

Individuals inadequate men and women are in for it! It is 1 bubble I?m joyful to bust. Puppies are stimulated by an opportunity to chase. Mary and Joe convert their selves into targets for the reason that pet dog goes into prey mode. Puppy instinctive conduct is usually to operate down their prey, or to operate off intruders.

The pet Might choose to not go after you. But that which you have completed is add to his self confidence, make him effective in his private thoughts, and encouraging his pet intense conduct. Following time, you or somebody else could actually be bitten.

So here?s the proper approach to take care of like an come across and why.

Yet again, similar circumstance ? Mary and her youthful son, Joe, are out for just a stroll. A tremendous, scary pet abruptly seems and begins to cost. Mary must shove her boy or girl guiding her for protection, demonstrating that she is in cost.

What really should Mary do then? Straighten her shoulders and elevate her head, for any human body language which jobs electricity and regulate. Seem AT that puppy ? not with anger, but with authority. Level for the pet dog. Promptly, stroll Towards the pet with self-confident strides even though seeing the bestial. Say, ?Hey, STOP? ? or ?stay? or equivalent language, once again with authority although not shouting (as that may escalate the condition). When you achieve this, unfold your hand out towards him together with the agency ?stop? gesture. (No flailing arms and screaming, remember to, otherwise you come to be a far more desirable focus on!)

Soon after advancing towards the pet dog while using authoritative ?stop? phrases and gesture, Maintain YOUR Floor. Maintain it except the canine moves ahead. Then you certainly should transfer ahead to take care of charge of the specific situation.

How am I confident this will likely get the job done? Uncomplicated. Canines use eye call and assured posture to talk to 1 yet another. The dominant pet dog generally stands his floor. It?s the puppy of lessen rank who runs absent. You will need to remain on top of things by any means instances. It really works. I am aware. We have finished it through and around in in any other case ?impossible? conditions.

Use puppy instinctive habits for your profit, not towards you ? and don?t be victims of pet strike!

Have a look at a web page which was suggested to me online dog behaviour courses. It seems to supply great information and facts, and that is accurate and up to date.

Tags: entertainment, Gardening, Pets, shopping


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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Daily Crunch: Swarm

1537Here are some of yesterday’s stories on TechCrunch Gadgets: Swarming Robots Will Fly Menacingly Towards Your Loved Ones In Perfect Formation Launches Android Tablet App The New Android Watch In The Google Store Isn?t What You Think Review: Panasonic Lumix GX1 Back To Basics: Sony Appoints Kazuo Hirai, Ousts Stringer


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