Friday, February 17, 2012

Parenting Suggestions for Disciplining Your Children ? ArticlePlusX ...

Raising your children begins with developing a relationship with them that will allow you to be an effective parent. Parents in our modern culture have their job cut out for them when raising children. Downtime is usually not an option for the working parent because they are not only providing for their family but taking care of them as well at home. If you want to raise your children right, take the time to raise them in a positive manner. Though it is difficult, we love our kids and will do almost anything for them because we are their parents. The mark of a great parent is one that has a loving bond with their kids which will continue even after they leave.

While every age has its positive and negative traits, many parents find that a toddler acting out is one of the hardest things of all to deal with. When there?s a need to discipline your child in public, the important thing is to do it as soon as possible. While it?s not pleasant to deal with this kind of situation in public, you have to address it and the sooner the better. Even though you?re in a public area, though, it?s usually possible to find a little privacy where you?re not right in front of people.

You?re not out to damage the self esteem of the child, which can happen if you berate them in public. You?re trying to improve the character of your children, and public humiliation doesn?t do much in this regard.

The reason that we try to teach our children values is to prepare them for life. In addition to providing proper care, we have to teach them how to get along in the world. One thing you can teach them is about cooperation and you can do this by showing them how to be polite. Parents need to be polite to their children by asking them to do things instead of telling them, which will help reinforce their ability to be positive. To make sure that your children learn how to be polite, you should always interact in a courteous and helpful manner not only with them but with all others. Behaving in this way will help them to be upstanding citizens after they have grown up.

There?s no point in creating rules or standards for your children to follow if they can get away with ignoring them with no repercussions. In other words, there has to be consistency between what you tell your kids about consequences and what you actually do when they break the rules. If your children learn that they can get out of any punishment by whining or pleading, your disciplinary efforts will come to nothing. You will be sending a clear message to your child that will only come back to haunt you perhaps until they leave home. That?s why it?s crucial to stay firm so your kids will learn that the rules must be taken seriously. They may not like it, but you will be teaching them a very positive lesson regarding rules and consequences.

If you listen to your gut feelings, you?ll usually make the right decisions as a parent. Plus, you carry your experiences from childhood and the teen years with you. Whether you?re aware of it or not, this is a valuable resource that?s always available to you. Whether the lessons you learned were positive or negative, they can be very useful when looking at the situations that come up for your children now.

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