Thursday, November 17, 2011

Iran Getting Nukes? The Hard Sell to Send Troops to Iran (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | In politics, there is no such thing as coincidental timing. Over the last week, Iran has become more prevalent in the next as Israel may be preparing for a preemptive strike on the nation in the hopes of preventing Iran from creating a nuclear weapon. Today, there is word of a United Nations report that points out that Iran is very close to a nuclear weapon. I would say that these announcements were not coincidence

As someone who has followed and studied the machinations of politics for many years, I keep thinking that I have seen this before. I keep thinking that the accelerated talk about a nation getting closer to weapons of mass destruction followed by an extensive report supporting it has happened before. I remember now, that was what took is into Iraq.

Now, I am not attempting to discredit the report, or the thought that Iran could be close to creating a nuclear bomb. The issue is that we know that an eventual showdown with Iran is inevitable. It might happen next year; it might happen ten years down the road. The statements by Israel followed closely by a United Nations report on Iran make me believe that the showdown is being planned to happen sooner than later.

We know that Israel is already in, and Great Britain is leaning towards a strike at Iran soon as well. Where does that leave the U.S.? That leaves the government with the hard task of trying to tell the United States that it will be sending more troops back to the Middle East. Of course, since we are pulling troops out of the Middle East right now, we have extras to be sent to Iran.

What is interesting is that the sell on Iran is going to end up coming as we are getting closer to an election. If a win is quick and decisive, it benefits President Barack Obama. If the president sends us into battle again and it appears that it might be another long battle, the Republicans will benefit because of the "ill-thought-out idea of the president." Either way, we are going to be stuck with another battle on our hands. While we have no actual say in the sending of troops anywhere, it is time for the American people to get "justification" for possible military action in the near future. I guess it is time to "liberate" another country.


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