Monday, October 22, 2012

Internet Marketing Rules Blog: Creating Value When Selling Online

When it comes to selling online, you have to create value. Selling is all about creating value, and then dropping the perceived price of the product so low that the chasm between the 2 is irresistible. If you can do this online, you can set yourself up to get tons of sales in your internet business effortlessly.

Depending on what you sell, you should know that ?bulk? equates to value. Some people online will say that they?ve read books that were around 20 pages long and it was better than the product that was 200 pages long. However, if you want to minimize refunds, create more perceived value by making your books or ebooks around 100 pages long.

It is what it is. This is what you have to do sometimes to get a sale, especially if you?re pricing the product considerably high. The industry of ?information products? is an industry that applies here also. You could easily create a 200-page manual, 5 CD?s, 5 DVD?s, and a few bonuses - and sell it for $300 or more.

And the cost to reproduce and create this package would probably only cost you around $40.

Do you see the profit margins here? This is why so many people like selling information products online instead of selling tangible items. But as with anything in life, selling tangible items and selling information products both have their pros and cons. You should just be aware that value needs to be created when selling both kinds of products.

If you want to create alot of value with your products online, consider the idea of ?bundling?. Include alot of freebies and valuable things that will make your offer seem irresistible. This is a cool trick that works every time, and you should know that you can make it happen for you.

So instead of just offering one product, offer the 1 product and create incredible value by adding alot of freebies. So if you were selling the Xbox 360, instead of just offering the console, include a few games, a USB cable, an HDMI cable, 2 wireless controllers, and so on. This kind of bundle would sell immediately (especially if you put it up on Ebay for sale).

But even if you didn?t put it up on Ebay to sell, you can still make money with it via your website. Just make an attractive looking website, put your product on there, and start marketing it to the world. It?s a hot item, and if you can make people feel safe and secure from ordering from you? you shouldn?t have a problem selling this product fast.

Creating value is very important to do online, as it can net you a ton of sales simply and easily without you working hard to get them. You could also offer one package on your website for a good core offer, and then offer a ?deluxe? package for around $50-$100 more that includes more relevant products for your customers to buy.

These tips for bundling your products and creating value can make you alot of money online. It isn?t hard to have internet marketing success? you just have to keep at it everyday if you want to have the kind of online business success that you are looking for. So don?t take it lightly.

Good luck with earning more money in your online business today.

For more internet marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:


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