Monday, September 12, 2011

Graphic Design Basics: Part 1 | Fashion Designer

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Welcome to the initial article on Graphic Design Basics. We hope to aid the beginner, novice, and some professionals, in the region of Graphic Design. Before we can start off, we need to have to review a brief timeline of graphic arts, and how we got to where we are now.

This article, and the following articles, will deal with Graphic Arts/Design for the beginner, novice and some professionals. It is broken up into the following categories: Timeline of Graphics, A Brief Technical History of Graphics, Graphics Today, and Details on Desktop Publishing.

Very first recognized visual communications (pictographs and symbols) in the Lascaux, France

Chinese invent paper

Johannes Gutenberg perfects the system for moveable type

Albrecht Pfister is the initial to add illustrations in a printed book

Claude Garamond opens the very first kind foundry develops and sells fonts to printers

The German school Bauhaus is founded, paving the way for contemporary graphic design

Max Miedinger designs Helvetica font

American, Douglas Engelbart invents first pc mouse

Apple releases 1st Macintosh pc with bitmap graphics

Desktop Publishing begins with development of Aldus PageMaker software program and Apple?s LaserWriter desktop printer utilizing postscript language

Version 1. of Photoshop released by Adobe

Tim Berners-Lee develops World Wide Internet, HTML, and idea of web site addresses

Right now, you can publish, post, blog, tweet, email, spam, scan, cast, link, join, brand, print, transfer, cut, copy, paste, chat, game, and view practically every thing from your own home.

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Graphic Design Basics: Component 1


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