Friday, November 30, 2012

Sophistafunk and The Heavy Pets at The Westcott! | Central New ...

This may be last minute, but as you probably noticed I?ve been extra busy. TONIGHT at 8:00 p.m. the?The Westcott Theater presents The Heavy Pets; a talented, South Florida jam band. While this is a great band, my main interest is that Syracuse-based funk/hip-hop/etc. group Sophistafunk is opening for The Heavy Pets. I?m sure many of you have seen Sophistafunk play, whether at the Dinosaur, Westcott, Empire, or other venue?but it?s always an amazing experience. Don?t miss out, it?s only $15!

If you?ve never seen Sophistafunk, you?re in for a treat. The music is hard to define and remains incredibly eclectic. Part funk, part hip-hop, part full-on party, Sophistafunk shows are definitely unique. They tour extensively and actually just performed at Brooklyn?s BK Funk Fest with the likes of Afrika Bambaataa and many others. Here?s a nice write up from the four-day festival featuring the guys of Sophistafunk.

Here?s what you need to know about The Heavy Pets. Formed in 2005 in Fort Lauderdale, the five-piece (sometimes more) band plays a mix of rock and roll, reggae fusion, jazz, funk, as well as rhythm and blues. Fast forward five years and their self-titled LP made HuffPo?s Top 10 Albums of 2010. They must be doing something right.

Stop in and see my friends at Beer Belly Deli before or after! Ultra-cheap beer options and perfect late night snacks.

Westcott Concert: Sophistafunk and The Heavy Pets
Friday, November 30th
The Westcott Theater
524 Westcott Street (Directions)

BUY TICKETS NOW ? from $20


? 2012, Michael Rotella. All rights reserved.


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NASA: Closest planet to sun, Mercury, harbors ice

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ? Just in time for Christmas, scientists have confirmed a vast amount of ice at the north pole ? on Mercury, the closest planet to the sun.

The findings are from NASA's Mercury-orbiting probe, Messenger, and the subject of three scientific papers released Thursday by the journal Science.

The frozen water is located in regions of Mercury's north pole that always are in shadows, essentially impact craters. It's believed the south pole harbors ice as well, though there are no hard data to support it. Messenger orbits much closer to the north pole than the south.

"If you add it all up, you have on the order of 100 billion to 1 trillion metric tons of ice," said David Lawrence of the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. "The uncertainty on that number is just how deep it goes."

The ice is thought to be at least 1? feet deep ? and possibly as much as 65 feet deep.

There's enough polar ice at Mercury, in fact, to bury an area the size of Washington, D.C., by two to 2? miles deep, said Lawrence, the lead author of one of the papers.

"These are very exciting results," he added at a news conference.

For two decades, radar measurements taken from Earth have suggested the presence of ice at Mercury's poles. Now scientists know for sure, thanks to Messenger, the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury.

The water almost certainly came from impacting comets, or possibly asteroids. Ice is found at the surface, as well as buried under a dark material.

Messenger was launched in 2004 and went into orbit 1? years ago around Mercury, where temperatures reach 800 degrees. NASA hopes to continue observations well into next year.

Columbia University's Sean Solomon, principal scientist for Messenger, stressed that no one is suggesting that Mercury might hold evidence of life, given the presence of water. But the latest findings may help explain how water and other building blocks of life arrived elsewhere in the solar system, he said.

Mercury is becoming the subject of new interest "where it wasn't much of one before," Solomon said.






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Tool Review: Troy-Bilt TB130 Lawnmower

Troy-Bilt TB130, a smart, well-executed, powerful mower.

Troy-Bilt TB130, a smart, well-executed, powerful mower.

As big a fan as I am of advancements in the tools and equipment we use to improve our homes, I love it when smart, well-executed?but comparatively basic?design is what gets the job done. And done well. This is the case for the superbly nimble, quiet, and powerful Troy-Bilt TB130 walk behind push-mower. No transmission, no cup holder. No faux aerodynamics or laser-guided landscaping. Just plain old smart design and gobs of lawn mowing go-juice. The 3-in-1 TB130 (mulch, side-discharge, rear-bag) starts easily and dependably. The 160cc OHC Honda engine runs extremely smooth and, to my ears, much quieter than other mowers I?ve used. The large rear wheels are nimble while the smaller front wheels are beefy. The entire unit is maneuverable around the various yard obstacles?from playsets to petunia beds?around which I?ve taken it and because it is not laden with added features and bigger engines to power them the TB130 creates a sensible feature unto itself: it?s light and easy to push! When the grass gets away from me for a week or two beyond the normal mowing schedule, the TB130 still manages to leave a smooth cut without much complaint. You can even get the unit serviced (i.e. annual tune-ups which I prefer to do in off-mowing months) at Lowes. Even the wheel height adjustment is simple, effective and easy to use. If you?re looking for a great, get it done mower for your yard, gas-up, the TB130 is good to go.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mitch McConnell: Filibuster Fight Is An Unnecessary 'Bomb' In The Senate

WASHINGTON -- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) accused Democrats Tuesday of throwing a "bomb" into the Senate by proposing to change rules for obstructing legislation with filibusters.

Filibusters happen when a senator refuses to end debate on a measure and requires a three-fifths vote to proceed -- a step that has been demanded more than 110 times in the current session of Congress.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has proposed changing the Senate rules when the next term starts in January to make filibusters a bit harder to achieve. Normally, Senate rule changes require a 67-vote majority, but Reid has proposed invoking seldom-used procedures -- which opponents call the "nuclear option" -- to make the changes with a simple 51-vote majority.

The idea has outraged Republicans, who are the minority in the Senate, prompting a long argument Tuesday that even overshadowed debate on the looming so-called "fiscal cliff," which McConnell said should be the main focus.

"The last thing on my list would have been to throw a bomb into the Senate, have it blow up, and have everybody mad as heck," McConnell told reporters after he and Reid sparred over the issue in the Senate chamber. "I'm just perplexed at the judgement on display here."

But the move comes from Democrats who have become increasingly frustrated with the GOP, which even has stalled bills that have near unanimous support by forcing the 60-vote "cloture" votes at every step in the process of passing a bill on the floor.

Reid wants to ban filibusters at the start of debates and when the Senate appoints members to work out differing legislation with the House, but preserve them in other situations. He also wants to require senators to actually stand and speak during a filibuster -- the way they used to, and as was seen in the movie "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington."

"We have this crazy idea ... that if we're going to have a filibuster, you have to stand and say something, not hide in your office someplace," Reid said on the Senate floor. "We are making simple changes. We're not changing the Constitution, we're not getting rid of the filibuster ... We're making three simple rules."

McConnell, however, decried Reid's suggestion, saying the majority leader intends to change the rules by breaking the rules.

"The majority leader and myself ought to be sitting down together to consider whether rule changes are appropriate," said McConnell, who has often argued that Republicans filibuster because Reid won't let them have amendments.

"It's important to remember that the Senate hasn't always functioned like it has the last two years, and the rules were exactly the same," McConnell said. "We don't have a rules problem, we have a behavior problem."

Reid argues that the behavior problem is on the GOP's side, and he says he's stopped the GOP from having amendments fewer than 20 times, and largely because they were attempting to add "poison pill" amendments.

Reid's solution would involve having 51 senators change the rules at the start of next year. Such a move has been rarely carried out in the Senate, but just the threat of it has prompted bipartisan changes to be enacted. There also have been a number of times -- notably four times under the leadership of former Majority Leader Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) -- when precedents were changed on the fly during stalled debates.

Proponents of such rule changes call them the "Constitutional option." Opponents call them the "nuclear option" because such changes invite the out-of-power party to retaliate. Indeed, Reid opposed such steps when he was the minority leader.

McConnell suggested Reid should step back from the brink and consider long-running Senate practices that are meant to protect the minority.

"What we need is a majority leader with a different view about the Senate consistent with its norms and traditions," McConnell said.

But he also offered something of an olive branch, saying the two should sit down and talk out the problems. "I'd be happy to do that," McConnell said. "I think this would be a good time to do it, looking to next year."

Michael McAuliff covers Congress and politics for The Huffington Post. Talk to him on Facebook.

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Mark Carney Monetary Policy - Business Insider

The response to the Bank of England's selection of Bank of Canada chief Mark Carney to be its next chief is being met with near universal praise.

Given how explosive subjects of monetary policy are (at least in popular discussion) the lack of controversy is Surprising.

A lot of attention has been paid to the fact that Carney represents a force for strong bank regulation (Canada didn't have a banking meltdown), something the UK feels it needs given the various busts and scandals that have affected its banks.

Just last month, Sid Verma of Euromoney did an extremely in-depth Mark Carney profile, examining his role as "Finance's New Statesman."

In all the discussion about Carney as a bank regulator, there really hasn't been much talk of him as a practitioner of the interest rate setting side of central banking. It turns out he's really solid there too.

First off, nobody really has described him as? "dove" or a "hawk" which is probably a good thing, as he's not boxed in to some arbitrary label.

That being said, during the crisis he made some excellent moves.

Verma writes at Euromoney:

The epoch-making feature of his tenure as governor remains the decision to cut the overnight rate by 50bp in March 2008, just one month after his appointment. While the European Central Bank delivered a rate increase in July of that year, Carney?s market instincts rightly judged that the leveraged-loan crisis would trigger global contagion.

And when policy rates in Canada hit the effective lower-bound, the central bank combated the crisis with the nonstandard monetary tool: the "conditional commitment?" in April 2009 to hold the policy rate for at least one year, in a boost to domestic credit conditions and market confidence more generally. Output and employment began to recover from mid-2009, in part thanks to monetary stimulus.??

In his comment on the announcement, Goldman Sachs's Kevin Daly also brought up the "conditional commitment" aspect of his 2009 announcement.

?It is difficult to speculate on the policy implications of an appointment such as this, not least because Mr. Carney will have only one vote (of nine) on the MPC. But the BoC Governor has a reputation for being a policy pragmatist and innovator (under his tenure, the BoC was the first G7 central bank to introduce the conditional rate commitment in 2009). Relative to the conservative approach towards credit easing that the BoE has adopted under Governor King?s stewardship, it is also possible that Governor Carney may be prepared to engage in more ?unconventional? forms of QE. Mr. Carney is also perceived in some quarters as being a dove, although this perception may simply be ?state dependent? (i.e. his relatively dovish stance reflected the weak state of the global economy during his tenure at the BoC).

Carney was ahead of the curve on this move.

The world of central banking/monetary policy has moved in the direction of recognizing that when policy hits the "Zero Lower Bound" (short term rates are at zero), a powerful tool is language, future promises, and conditions.

That's why there's so much interest in the Fed's indication that it won't hike rates until 2015 and the Evan's Rule, which would commit the Fed to low rates until either inflation or unemployment hit key thresholds.

So here's what the Bank of Canada announced on April, 2009:

With monetary policy now operating at the effective lower bound for the overnight policy rate, it is appropriate to provide more explicit guidance than is usual regarding its future path so as to influence rates at longer maturities. Conditional on the outlook for inflation, the target overnight rate can be expected to remain at its current level until the end of the second quarter of 2010 in order to achieve the inflation target. The Bank will continue to provide such guidance in its scheduled interest rate announcements as long as the overnight rate is at the effective lower bound.

This early use of language and rules was cited by monetary economist Michael Woodford in a highly influential paper at Jackson Hole, wherein he noted that this (the novel) language seemed to have a noticeable effect on market-based expectations of future policy.

In just the last few years, there's been a lot more work done on promises, targeting, commitments, conditionality in so forth. But Carney was an early innovator.

ADDED: One other point. As noted above, in addition to his April 2009 move, Carney cut rates in March 2008, just one month after his appointment as head of the Bank of Canada. This move deserves praise for a unique reason, which is that there's an observed phenomenon of central bankers acting hawkish right when they take office to establish credibility (Here's a paper on that phenomenon). The fact that Carney didn't succumb to that cliche, but instead recognized the situation of the moment is a high testament to his judgment.

For more on the power of language commitments, see here >


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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?I?m Going To Have To Fire the Dream Master?

Click the arrow on the audio player to?hear Richard Kenney read this poem. You can also download?the recording or?subscribe?to?Slate's Poetry Podcast on iTunes.?

Who fabricates our dreams? Well, we must, or Anyway some part of us. The mystery?s the utter Ambush of it: how, in night?s apparent theater, Our fingers clench the velvet armrests, our eyes Widen with suspense ? How could we surprise Ourselves? And so,
We posit the cloaked figure of the Dream Master. Mine?s got to go.

To be clear: the problem?s not In the theater itself, albeit shabby, old, ornate, A nighthawk?s haunt, a lonely man?s demesne. Nor in the mothy, slow unrolling screen. Nor in the projection equipment?a little flickery, as to That; still, the problem?s with the Dream Master. Ask Carl Jung, spooning schlag in the Schnitzel Platz. The problem? The problem? The problem?s with the plots.

Not naked, late. Not naked, late, at the lectern, hearing One?s name announced: Electrical Engineering Colloquium? again!?the keynote speaker. Not naked anywhere obliquer Than doing taxes after a day of doing taxes; Likewise dishes, any dully punishing repetitive praxis Requiring finer motor skills and better Eyesight than one possesses, like disassembling a carburetor By dying flashlight, or like?Oh, never mind. These lines Are beginning to seem A little too much like one of those damned, idiotic dreams From which, dear audience, you may take The Master?s word, you are now requested to awake.

For Slate's poetry submission guidelines, click here. Click here?to visit Robert Pinsky's Favorite Poem Project site.


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Capital News ? Court to handle international crimes due in Dec

Mutunga who spoke at a training program for Kenyan journalists on the International Criminal Court processes, said that among other things, the division will be focusing on crimes like those against humanity and others/FILE

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 26 ? Chief Justice Willy Mutunga says an International Crimes Division of the High Court could be in place as early as next month to deal with medium and low level perpetrators of grave crimes in the country.

Mutunga who spoke at a training program for Kenyan journalists on the International Criminal Court processes, said that among other things, the division will be focusing on crimes like those against humanity and others.

?The security, stability and economy of this nation is mortally threatened by crimes against humanity, drug trafficking, trafficking in humans and body parts, money laundering, counterfeit goods, corruption, piracy and terrorism,? he said.

He emphasised the need for these crimes to be dealt with expeditiously.

?Something must be done and the ICD (International Crimes Division) is the Judiciary?s response to it. The ICD project is owned by the Council for the Administration of Justice, the assembly line for the justice sector. It has robust support of the Ministry of Justice, the AG, the DPP, the Police Commissioner, the prisons, other security services, private sector, civil society and grassroots media.?

He however pointed out that the ICD has nothing to do with Kenyan cases pending before the ICC.

German Ambassador Margit Hellwig also welcomed the establishment of the International Crimes Division saying that it will bring justice to all Kenyans.

She further called for enhanced civic education to be carried out to demystify the process.

Attorney General Githu Muigai who spoke at the same venue insisted that Kenya is cooperating fully with the International Criminal Court.

?Since the case against Kenyan suspects was opened and since I have been sitting in the AG?s office we have cooperated fully with the court they have material after material after material,? he pointed out.

The AG stated that Kenya, will not listen to those who shout loudest about the ICC and are not member states of the ICC.

?The loudest commentators on the ICC and its importance to the future international justice are not members of the Rome Statute. The united States of America is not a member of the Rome Statute although it has an International Ambassador on international crimes who has been to my office to encourage me to follow the Rome statute,? he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Eldoret North MP William Ruto, former civil service chief Francis Muthaura as well as radio presenter Joshua arap Sang are due to appear before the ICC in April next year, when trials against them over the 2008 post-election violence are set to kick off.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Discover Online Video Production For Small Businesses | Free ...

Do you still find yourself stuck in creating sales letter in long form? If yes, may be now is the time for you to drop that and try online video production for the benefit of your web video marketing business. Many entrepreneurs have taken the switch to it some time ago. Nonetheless, it is not yet too late for you to try it today.

Since this is different from the method that you got used to, there are important things which you must note to ensure brand recognition and increased sales coming your way. The three elements you should focus on are your target market, video creation processes and successful video distribution. Insights on these will be shared in this article. Feel free to read on and pick all the helpful ideas.

The number of views a clip gets is often the gauge for a successful online video production. The key to getting as many people as possible to view your clips is to pattern their content according to the interests and the problems they have a hand. Be generous to share solutions to these problems. Do not limit the information you share to what you personally know, interview big names in your niche. This can give your website an authoritative aura.

If you have more than enough budget, never be double-minded about getting the services of specialists who can produce excellent promo clips on your behalf. If your situation is otherwise, have good gadgets at hand ? a camera, tripod, microphone and set of lights. Also, be skilled up with video production tips which can get you going in this task.

As for the types of promotional clips to create, here are the different kinds from which you can choose ? viral, conversion and educational. Viral videos abound in platforms like YouTube. Their being unusual and entertaining is what makes them a hit to people from all walks of life. These can get your website increased hits. However, an increased sale through them is quite questionable.

Conversion clips are the ones seen on landing pages. As these clips are to encourage website visitors to purchase, they have to be created with ingenuity. For one, they must include explicit call to action phrases that will guide visitors to give your offers a try. Lastly, there are educational clips. This type is most enjoyed by internet users hungry for information. You can create a series of tutorial clips showing how each item in your product line is used. The important thing here is that you highlight your products or your brand as the solution to the viewers? problems. While tutorial clips can be distributed through platforms, they are best published on your web pages as well.

Again, this online video production task may be demanding for you as far as your time and skills are concerned. Consider then to hire a firm of experts in the field. While this will be an additional expense, this can serve as a great way to save and earn steady income for your business in the future. Select a firm that will be willing to provide the service you need at a rate that you can afford without having the quality of outputs sacrificed.

Looking For The Right Way To Produce A Video For Website? Visit This Page On Online Video Production Today.


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Bedard: Is Packers-Giants the new Patriots-Colts?

Green Bay looking for a little revenge Sunday night after last year's playoff loss

By Greg Bedard contributor

updated 6:23 p.m. ET Nov. 24, 2012

Greg Bedard

Sunday Night Football is turning into rivalry football.

A week after the Ravens and Steelers battled each other in the AFC North, one of the burgeoning NFC rivalries, Giants-Packers, will have another installment at MetLife Stadium.

With two young, elite quarterbacks in Aaron Rodgers and Eli Manning leading each team, Giants-Packers is looking a lot like the successor to Colts-Patriots, Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning: two teams in different divisions who find a way to see each other often between the regular and postseason (sixth meeting since 2007 with Packers holding 3-2 edge).

Both Giants' wins against the Packers have come in January (2007 and ?11), in the postseason, as the Giants marched into Lambeau Field, left with a physical victory and went on to win the Super Bowl.

Last year?s 37-20 loss to the Giants ended a dream season for the Packers, who were 15-1 at the time. They lost because their execution was terrible ? giving up a Hail Mary touchdown, dropping four passes, turning the ball over four times and a plethora of missed tackles.

It?s safe to say the Packers (7-3) haven?t forgotten their performance, and the beating the Giants (6-4) put on them. Not that Green Bay will acknowledge that. It is focused on this game, not the past.

?Watching the playoff game, it wasn?t fun, I think that?s obvious,? coach Mike McCarthy said this week. ?But it?s part of our preparation for the week. A lot of the same players played in that game, played in the regular-season game (in 2011). We all understand how the season ended, but we?re focused on 8-3.?

A look at the keys for each team:

Rodgers can?t hold the ball:
Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is an exceptional player with smarts, a terrific arm and very quick feet that allow him to keep plays alive or make them on his own. But sometimes Rodgers tries to do too much, tries to keep the play alive too long and that can lead to protection issues. Rodgers has been sacked 32 times this season, which is more than any other NFL quarterback. Some of those are on Rodgers for holding onto the ball too long. While the Giants rank just 13th with 25 sacks, they are capable of dominating a game with ends Jason Pierre-Paul, Osi Umenyiora and Justin Tuck. McCarthy needs to put in a quick-pass game plan, and Rodgers needs to stick to it outside of called shot plays.

Stop the run: The Giants have gotten a bit out of whack lately with their pass-run balance, but they?ll look to establish the run more against the Packers. The Giants need the run to make their passing game, which has struggled of late, really click. The Packers (11th in the league) have done a nice job against the run now that their personnel have settled down. The defensive line of Ryan Pickett, Jerel Worthy and B.J. Raji are very sturdy and have allowed inside linebackers A.J. Hawk and Brad Jones to fill nicely. The Packers want the Giants to stay pass heavy because they?re in a slump and could get some three-and-outs that could get the Packers going.

Do your job: When the Packers have struggled the past few years, it hasn?t been because of what the opponent has done, it?s because the Packers have killed themselves with poor execution. If the Packers execute their blocks, catch the ball and tackle well, they?re a tough matchup for anyone. But they haven?t done that consistently. This also includes kicker Mason Crosby, who has been in a terrible slump. He has to make his kicks early because if he?s an issue, it could change the way the Packers play in Giants' territory for the rest of the game.

Protect up front:
Packers defensive coordinator Dom Capers will probably look to bring pressure against the Giants because his front seven has a tough time winning with standout outside linebacker Clay Matthews out. Capers also knows he can?t let Eli Manning have clean reads, and his line is ripe for the taking. The Giants have had a rough time of late protecting Manning ? they were destroyed by the Bengals. Expect the Packers to throw a ton of overload blitzes at the right side of the Giants? line, where guard Kevin Boothe and David Diehl have been the weak spots. The Giants chip a lot with the running backs out of the backfield, and they might have to think about keeping a tight end in to help with protection. The Packers will be coming.

Get after Rodgers: With excellent right tackle Bryan Bulaga out for the season, the Packers have had to do a line dance with left guard T.J. Lang moving to right tackle, and backup Evan Dietrich-Smith in at left guard. Both compete really hard but are limited in their ability at those spots. Left tackle Marshall Newhouse has had problems on occasion this season, and center Jeff Saturday is not the player he once was. The Giants? defensive line should be able to dominate this game up front against the run and the pass. And that should give the Giants a really good chance of winning the game.

Get physical with the Packers? receivers: The Packers have talented targets for Rodgers in Greg Jennings (questionable after abdominal surgery), Jordy Nelson, James Jones, Randall Cobb and tight end Jermichael Finley. But the book on them is that they don?t like contact and can be thrown off their game if defensive backs are physical with them. It also throws off the timing of the passing offense and causes Rodgers to hold the ball longer. The Giants should try to be physical with the Packers? receivers, but they should be careful with Cobb. The speedy slot receiver is lining up in different spots every week, including running back. He could be a big problem if the Giants don?t get their hands on him. That means everyone ? ends, outside linebackers and defensive backs ? needs to make sure they hit Cobb on his releases. If he runs free, he might go all the way to the end zone.

? 2012 NBC Reprints


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My Move Better Than Competitive Apps |

If you?re planning to relocate in the near future, you may be on the lookout for a few good apps to help make the moving process a little easier. In that regard you?ve probably found several likely options that deliver a slew of tools set to help you organize your inventory (as in household items to be packed), create various checklists, and make sure everything gets where it?s going in one piece. What you may have noticed, however, is that many of the mobile applications designed for the purposes of reducing your stress during a major move are more than a little underwhelming. The freebies are either inundated with ad support or they simply don?t do what they promise, and even those that require payment are lacking seemingly obvious functionality. But there is one app that, while not entirely comprehensive, at least offers basic features and ease of use to get you through the process of relocating.

My Move is designed to help you get organized and find the professional services you need to ensure smooth sailing along every step of your move, whether you?re relocating within your city or setting up shop across state lines. You have enough to deal with as is; the last thing you want is for important details to slip through the cracks. So My Move not only helps you to make note of every thought that crosses your mind ? it also hooks you up with resources that can take on some of the burden for you. Likely you?ll want to get started several weeks before the move occurs, and the app provides you with a moving checklist for this purpose.

All you have to do to add new tasks is select your time frame and type in the specifics, whether you want to call real estate agents weeks beforehand, you need to put in your change of address just days prior to relocating, or you have to get your landline set up once you?ve pulled all the boxes off the truck in your new location. In addition, the app will soon feature an inventory checklist that allows you to track every item that leaves your home (this addition is under development and will be added to the next version). You can also add notes about everything from the best places to live in your new area to the information about setting up utilities once you get there. And the handy tips section will clue you in to potential issues you may not have even anticipated (like measuring large furniture to make sure it will fit in your new place before you try to squeeze it through the door).

In addition, My Move provides users with a great way to get their household from here to there. The app allows you to seek out moving companies on a state-by-state basis, see which movers operate in multiple states (if necessary), and read reviews (from users as well as consumer reports) that will help you to find the vendor that best suits your needs. Even better, a simple tap can net you quotes from the companies you?re considering. Having a checklist on your phone that helps you to stay organized during your move is a great boon, but finding the perfect moving company to take the contents of your household to your new home is practically priceless.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

From the Editor's Desk: Doing a good thing badly

Phil Nickinson

There's a reason why I tend to post stories on Google+ about the traditional journalism industry. For one, it's where I came from. There are days I miss it. But there are so many more days that I don't. Another reason is that what we do here is rooted in it. Not just us, but every tech blog, regardless of its background.

But really, for me, this job is fun. And we try to keep it that way. Make no mistake, we're writing about phones here. Hardly life-and-death stuff. But it's still important, and it's still challenging. Deciding what to write. Editing it into a cohesive story. Coming up with compelling illustrations. And that final moment where you hit the publish button and suddenly think "Oh, shit. What if I screwed something up?" It happens every time, no matter the story or review, no matter how much work we put into it. That feeling doesn't go away.

And you know what? We don't always get it right.

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Posted by Administrator on Nov 24, 2012 in Uncategorized | Comments Off

Life can hit you by surprise sometimes. It?s possible to be unemployed after holding a job for years, and you suddenly don?t know what to do. Consider creating a online business as a viable solution to getting your life back on track. The advice in this article can be a springboard to getting you started.

Being the sole proprietor of a home business enterprise includes being the sole financial officer of your business. If you allow another person to use your business credit card to make a personal purchase, you may be unable to write off other business-related purchases on your taxes that show up on the same receipt.

Research anyone you plan to hire for your home business enterprise. Your employees should be dependable and they should know what they are talking about.

TIP! It might seem like a vacation being able to send correspondence from home, but eventually you may come to miss interacting with others on a daily basis. Be sure you go out and have fun from time to time.

Give your work from home business website the ability to sell. You increase your profits by offering your products or services online as well as at the site of your business. Many online providers allow you to register domain names at affordable rates.

When starting a home business enterprise, avoid taking out a loan. Is the chance worth taking if it means jeopardizing your relationship? Is it wise to use your home as collateral on a bank loan?

Set aside an area in your residence that serves as your work area. Always make sure that you arrange your house in a way that is organized and provides you with enough space for the materials you need. Doing this will ensure that your business stays organized, and organization in a business that is based from home is extremely important.

TIP! Removable storage devices such as portable hard drives should be used to back up the computer you use for your business. A few minutes spent backing up documents and receipts can potentially save a lot of aggravation if you were to lose the originals.

Maintain all contracts in an easy to find place. You should also keep your own contracts, such as with your phone company or Internet provider, in the same place in case YOU have to battle with THEM over service!

Make sure you keep a mileage log for each vehicle that is used for your business. Business-related transportation costs are often tax deductible. If your business requires a lot of road time, you can save a significant amount on your taxes with driving-related deductions.

TIP! One of the greatest resources for your home-based business is a functional website that you can use to sell your products or services. The website will expand your potential market base and increase sales.

Use search engine optimization to boost your work from home business visibility on the Internet. Search engine optimization, sometimes simply called SEO, can be used to get your work from home business more traffic by increasing your visibility on search engines. You can hire someone to help you with your SEO, or you can research it and find out how to do it yourself.

Create a schedule for both your personal and professional time and stick to the times. Set a time of day when you will cease to accept business calls. Allow plenty of time to spend with your family and friends, as well as time to relax and pursue your interests.

When your work from home, it is all too easy to bury yourself in work. You should separate your work and personal life by establishing a specific work zone, as well as setting clear work hours to leave time for your personal life.

TIP! Pick a name that has true meaning. The brand you create will ultimately represent the products you produce so it is important to create a highly recognizable name.

Show your clients a good time, and try to obtain a tax deduction for your expenses. Taking clients or business associates out for meals can be a deduction on your taxes. Remember to save receipts for these meals. You are required to maintain receipts for meals over 75 dollars. You may also need to prove your expenses if audited.

To maximize the success of your home-business financial plan, claim every possible tax deduction related to your business. You will be surprised how much money you could save on your taxes just by taking advantage of your entitled deductions.

When you no longer have inventory of a given item, be sure to inform potential buyers. It is a sure-fire way to upset your customers when they find out their products had to be placed on back order, and will not be ready for immediate delivery. Clearly mark out of stock items, so that they can choose something they?ll receive sooner.

TIP! If you?re running a daycare from your home, then you probably know that having a sufficient amount of help is crucial to your success, as well as your sanity. Even there not enough others around to help you, managing all the kids and their needs will overwhelm you.

Having a contingency fund is an important step in keeping your business financially safe. Your business could eventually run into unexpected circumstances where you will need quick access to cash. Having an emergency fund will ensure the continuity of your business. However, be careful not to use your emergency funds unless it is truly an emergency. Replenish the fund as soon as you can.

While reading this article, hopefully you were inspired to take your life into your own hands. You were given a lot of tips about starting a online business, and now is the time to grab the bull by the horns and go for it! You can keep this article for reference to read anytime you are not sure what the next step you should be taking is.

Are you ready to have success in the home based business industry and build it on autopilot? Click below to register for free today. See how it works here. Also check out our team benefits here


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How Safe Is Airport Wi-Fi?

In 2010 Eric Butler developed Firesheep, a Firefox extension that allowed anyone on a public network to access websites?including email and Facebook?visited by anyone else on that network, to demonstrate just how vulnerable public networks are. Firefox has since patched the vulnerabilities exploited by Butler's program, but we contacted him to find out how to protect oneself from prying programs such as his. "People should really avoid any service that requires them to log in unless that website is 100 percent secure," Butler says. "Anybody nearby can pretty much watch what you're doing unless the website is secure" (its URL will start with https, not http). Even then, information such as bank accounts and passwords may not be completely hidden from prying eyes. So, for extra protection, Butler recommends using a virtual private network such as Cloak. "A VPN essentially moves the problem to someone else," he says. "It encrypts everything I'm doing from where I am all the way to wherever the VPN is running, which is somewhere in the cloud."


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Things That You Can Do To Achieve Internet Promotion Success ...

The Internet is the newest frontier for advertising. Read on for some ways to improve your Internet promotion success.

TIP! Keeping your website simple is a technique that is often overlooked by webmasters. Professional website designers often use multimedia tools such as Microsoft Silverlight and Adoble Flash as ways of tempting novice website owners.

Be sure to incorporate the use of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites in your Website marketing strategy. They help you keep in touch with customers and provide an easy way to advertise. Use caution as to how hard you push your promotions in the comments you leave on the sites. Instead, use the websites to provide insights with occasional promotions.

TIP! Provide incentives for referrals. Transform a single sale into many by offering rewards to customers for bringing family and friends to your website.

Grade the effectiveness of your efforts in online marketing by making use of tech tools that determine how many of your visitors become paying customers. There are a number of web companies that supply trackers to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. They measure things like visitors to your site, repeat visitors and how these visits translate into actual sales.

TIP! Databases can help you maintain good customer relations. Use it to identify past and present customers and their respective purchase history.

A vital part of Affiliate marketing is ensuring that your website is setup for SEO purposes correctly, and the site contains engaging content that will keep customers interested. This really helps websites that sell products that other websites offer. Traffic won?t be generated because you won?t rank high at all if you just copy other content. With your own original descriptions, peppered with choice keywords and manufacturer info, your site can really rise above the rest, even if you are all selling the same products.

TIP! Making sure to include captions in your images is a great tip to employ. Search engines will use these captions in relation to searches.

Something you should consider when Internet marketing is that you should never spend all your money in one place. This is especially important when developing a new business. Keep your job until you have a stable income.

TIP! Should your visitor ultimately choose not to purchase your product, have a questionnaire at the end of your form so that they may advise you as to why they did not make the purchase. This keeps you from blindly guessing at what you need to change.

Always look for ways to garner feedback from your site?s visitors. This plays a role in how successful your business is. Get feedback from anyone you can, friends, family and potential clients. Take their advice seriously and make any changes you need.

TIP! Mobile marketing should also be considered. Try sending text messages to the visitors of your site to inform them of special deals.

While a few bells and whistles can enhance your site, avoid making it too busy or distracting. Once a visitor is at your site, you literally have 5 seconds to intrigue them and make them stay. Any longer than that, and they are sure to click away to another page.

TIP! For successful internet marketing, use the word ?guaranteed? in your ads and related content. People need to know that they are not risking a lot by buying from you, so a guarantee is always a good thing.

You should take the time to look at how others respond to your content, promotions, and even your business as a whole. Gather feedback on an event or special promotion by keeping a close eye on comments left on message boards, forums and blogs related to your business?s niche. Once you see the feedback, use it to tweak your promotions and give the customers what they want.

TIP! One Internet marketing tip that everyone should implement is giving your customers the option of paying retail or wholesale prices depending on how many of each item they buy. Selling a lot of product at a low price or a little product at a higher price will still ensure you make a profit.

Rather than marketing your site as a business, you can market it as a social organization or club. You will get more traffic if you offer a way for your customers can talk to each other. This will also make your site more memorable for consumers. Include graphics that people can copy and use on their sites to advertise yours.

TIP! Despite the fact that your company may not have the budget to hire an expensive marketing consultant, you can find many free resources on the web that can help in evaluating your marketing strategy. On the internet there is a wide variety of mediums to choose from to help you learn about internet marketing.

It?s important to discover a strong niche when considering an online business. For instance, if you see a need for Star Wars collectibles, it may be difficult if you solely sell baseball cards. The point is, you need to design your site and focus your marketing efforts towards the people who are most likely going to buy from you. So before you go rushing to advertise your business to whomever it may concern, make sure you narrow your focus in order to improve the end results.

TIP! Emails are really important when establishing an Internet marketing campaign. Take steps to protect your email correspondence.

Offer attractive discounts to visitors to your website as a part of your Online marketing strategy. Indicate the discount by positioning a lower price adjacent to the suggested retail price of an item. Another way to entice a purchase is by saying that if they buy now, the price will be half off.

TIP! You will need to generate leads to get sales. Real-time leads are a good thing; they will guide you to a would be customer right now.

Your banner ads should stand out from the crowd as much as possible. Give your banner a distinctive, attractive design and your site visitors will be more apt to follow the link.

TIP! Contemplate the various methods you are interested in using in your web design efforts. There are quite a few cheap and even free ways to advertise.

Offering an instructional course at no cost is an excellent way to attract potential customers to your business website. This is a great strategy, especially when it involves a course because you can package it with another related product. Create your advertising campaign to show off your new and necessary online course.

TIP! Give potential customers a reason to visit your site. Offer certain e-books or products for steep discounts for one or two days.

If you want to win over a customer have unique content. E-books filled with tips or a humorous article or cartoon can also bring traffic to your site. If you have a niche that no one else does, you will have great success.

TIP! Get people to click ads by using discreet images that link to your product?s page. You can use text that matches the font of your articles and place it at the end of each article.

The knowledge you have gained by reading this article should give you a head start on the Internet marketing competition. Take this knowledge and put it into action by formulating new goals, strategies, and ideas which can be implemented in your marketing efforts. Use the ideas from this article and enjoy your success.


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Friday, November 23, 2012

Dedicated Web Hosting When And Why You Need To Improve ...

After you decide on low-cost devoted servers hosting, you want to unearth low cost devoted webhosting server merchants that will not only offer you an impressive month to month rate in your web page hosting, but ones that can also offer you excellent purchaser company, easily servers and online world connections, and also dependability of state from the art technology. There are several immensely important things to picking the cheapest dedicated server internet hosting company for your requires and ignoring them can immediately run your internet site in the ground. Study what to consider and what to avoid when building your web hosting provider range. An appropriate equilibrium of low cost and reliable devoted servers are necessary to optimize your earnings.

Devoted Internet hosting Servers

Precisely what is committed servers web hosting? A devoted server may be a site server, possibly owned or leased, that is devoted fully to your single web page or maybe one man or woman or corporation. Most web sites on the net use shared server website hosting. With shared server web page hosting, several net online websites and possibly a large number of world wide web web sites are packed on to some single website server. All of these online sites reveal the identical connection additionally, the very same server resources. This situation definitely functions rather well for most web pages on the grounds that tens of tens of millions of online webpages will not have more than enough net targeted visitors to call for a whole server?s resources. Each time a site results in being favored a sufficient amount of, it would split away from shared servers and transfer to some leased focused server. The internet?s most widely used word wide web web-sites require total warehouses jam packed with servers to operate only one website. Whenever a website employs greater than just one committed server, it should most all too often use individual servers for internet site site visitors and database queries.

Good value Devoted Servers Web-site Internet hosting Pitfalls

Amongst the key issues that you just would like to avoid if you happen to lease an affordable dedicated server is leasing your server via a center man. The middle person is regarded as a reseller for the massive internet hosting corporation. This center person will usually be mandated to work as their own personal support apart from for facts which may only be done at the server?s bodily position. In these conditions, you?ll have to make contact with the center gentleman, who?ll then really need to make contact with their supplier earlier than a little something can be done regarding your downside. This leads to crucial downtime and misplaced income for ones enterprise. Whilst there are some middle person hosting service providers to choose from that do give you absolutely great service along with a great personalized contact, you are likely to normally be even better off choosing the provider that truly owns and runs the devoted internet hosting servers from the physical position in their personal.

Lease or Actually purchase Your Committed Servers?

Lots of people debate regardless if to buy or lease their focused servers. You will find not always a most efficient choice that will fit everybody?s requires. Relying on your specified position, one particular may likely be even better compared to other to select. For anyone who is a fresh business that continue to incorporates a restricted spending budget, lower capitol and an unstable dollars move then leasing a committed server could be the right option for you. Leasing will frequently present you with the choice to stop your services when ever you choose, plus it is going to let you generate a month to month charge for your website online internet hosting providers. For any enormous or increasing enterprise which includes a whole lot of cash available and big security, choosing your server would be the ultimate decision. Getting yourself your devoted webhosting server will let you fork out an a single time expense as an alternative of excessive month to month payments that?ll certainly not conclusion. For everybody who is select your server, you should nonetheless really have to host it someplace that could continue to value a month to month cost even so it can be greatly smaller than an once a month cost for leasing and hosting. When you?ve got the have for plenty of servers, you could also elect to start out your own private personal website hosting small business that just companies your online internet sites. Internet hosting your own personal servers can have it happens to be charm, safety and financial strengths for more substantial merchants and organizations.

Choosing A Very Good And Reliable Web Hosting Firm can give you highest possible details for How Does Limitless Reseller Internet Hosting Really Work. Remember to pay a visit to the published article for more data!

Related posts:

  1. High Star Hosting Area Registration And Internet Hosting Dedicated Server Resolution
  2. Dedicated Internet Hosting When And Why It?S Best To Improve
  3. Internet Hosting Bills Test The Cost Of The Web Hosting Plans Very Fastidiously
  4. Benefits And Drawbacks Of Dedicated Internet Hosting
  5. Discover A Good Web Hosting Company


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10 Free Tools for Launching Your Business - Web Design Company

Launching any successful business requires a solid strategy and the right tools in place.

Launching a business on the web is not only cost-effective but also allows businesses to target a global consumer-base. The volatile economic climate has made launching an online business even more lucrative. However, launching a business online can be challenging. There are several aspects of the business that need to be addressed if you want your launch to be successful.

Fortunately, there are many free online tools and services that can help you with this process. Here are 10 of the best online tools to help you launch and grow your business.

1. Kickstarter

Launch Business Tools  - Kicstarter

Every new business requires funding. This is where crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter can help. Crowdfunding is a new way for entrepreneurs to get funding for their new business idea. It involves raising funds from a group of individuals. It is a great way to finance the launch of your new business.

Kickstarter is just one of the global crowdfunding platforms that businesses can take advantage of. There are many more.

2. Google Keyword Tool

Launch Business - Keyword Tool

Good keyword research is an essential part of launching a website and starting a business online. It helps you to choose keywords that have the highest chance of success.

Google?s free keyword tool is the most incredible tool to find how many people are searching on your keywords, globally and locally.

Google keyword tool answers the following two important questions:

  • Is anybody searching on your product?
  • How much competition do you face on the Internet?

For best results, try to target keywords that have sufficient search volumes but have little competition.

3. Launch Rock

Launch Rock - Business Tool

Launch Rock is a new tool that can be very helpful if you are looking to launch a startup or a new product line. It is designed to generate an interest in your business and build your audience even before your product is launched to the market. It lets you capture email addresses, and encourages virality for new product launches. It is a great way to gather a list of prospects who might be interested in your product when it is actually launched.

It is very easy to set-up and you can get up and running within minutes, and start collecting email addresses of people who show an interest in your business or your product.

4. Check This

Launch Business Tools  - CheckThis

If you need a single page website whether it is a coming soon page, a single page to promote your launch, or to promote any other aspect of your business, then checkthis is the ideal tool for your needs. With Checkthis, you can get a single page site for your business set-up in an instant.


Launch Business Tools  - Knowem

Social media marketing is essential for the success of any business. A business typically uses several social media sites to increase their reach and connect with consumers. This is where KnoeEm can help.

It is a username checking service for businesses that can prove very useful when launching a new business. KnowEm allows you to check for the use of your brand, product, personal name or username instantly on over 550 popular and emerging social media websites. Grab your name and secure your brand before someone else does.

6. Weebly

Launch Business - Weebly

Every new business needs a website. The high costs involved in developing a bespoke website is a? major concern when launching a business. Weebly is a free website builder platform with a simplified drag and drop engine that businesses can use to create a free website. It is easy to use and you can create a content rich website with many features in minutes. Weebly is completed free to use which makes it particularly popular among startups.

7. Square

Launch Business Tools  -  Square

Square is a unique mobile payment platform that turns your smartphone or tablet into a credit card reader. It was created by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. It offers an easy way for businesses to accept credit card payments from customers. There are two payment options available to businesses, a flat monthly fee or no fees and 2.75% of every transaction.

8. Hootsuite

Launch Business Tools  -  HootSuite

Social media marketing is vital to the success of any business today. But posting content to multiple social networks can be very time-consuming. This is where Hootsuite can help. It allows you to manage postings on several social platforms. It also improves your results by scheduling your posts at optimal times.

It can also be used as an automation tool that can be configured to? post new content automatically rom any blog to multiple social networks. It increases your efficiency, leaving you with more time to work on growing your business.

9. Mailchimp

Launch Business - Mailchimp

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote a business online. A good email marketing strategy is essential for a business to succeed. However simply having an email database is not enough. Every business needs a good email list service to manage their email marketing campaigns. This is where Mailchimp can help. It is one of the leading email marketing platforms on the web. It offers free and paid versions. The free version allows you to maintain a list of up to 2,000 subscribers which is sufficient for most start-up businesses. You can use it to manage newsletters or to send out other marketing emails.

10. Sellfy

Launch Busness - Sellfy

If your business sells digital products online, then this tool can help. Sellfy lets you create and sell digital products on the web. It makes it easy for anyone to create a product and sell through their service. While other digital market places charge listing fees, monthly payments and transaction costs, Sellfy just has a flat 5% transaction cost on all transactions.


The right tools are essential for the long-term success of a business. Whether you have just launched your business or are thinking of doing so in the future, the above free tools and services can help you to improve your performance and increase your chances of success.

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Thanksgiving And Eating Disorders: How Our Biggest Feast Can Be ...

Thanksgiving is a time of feasting and family; outsized in not only i's portions, but in its expectations of familial harmony. And while it's a holiday to celebrate the bounty of our blessings, for many -- particularly disordered eaters -- it can be a stressful reminder of psychological and behavioral patterns that are hard to break under the best of circumstances.

"People need to be mindful that holidays are an evocative, associative time because they are such particular days," says Geneen Roth, author of Lost and Found and Women Food and God. "And so it becomes easy to say things like, 'Last Thanksgiving, things were better.' For example, if you?re not in a relationship and you really want to be and you once were, then unfortunately, what can happen is that your mind can start in on you -- you can build an unhappy story about the holidays that can lead you to eat. We tend to build stories and the stories we build often lead to feelings that lead to eating."

"Freudians would say that people who eat compulsively are literally swallowing their problems -- they're reverting to the earliest, simplest stages of gratification: putting things in their mouths," says Andrew Getzfeld, PhD, an adjunct professor of psychology who specializes in eating disorders at New York University.

Conversely, for restrictive eaters, the sudden lack of control -- either because of the change in environment or a reversion to old family dynamics -- can cause relapsed behavior. "Part of the problem is that the holiday revolves around family, but to me these disorders are family disorders -- they start with and affect families," explains Getzfeld.

But just because the holidays can be challenging for those in recovery or in the throes of disordered eating doesn't mean that there aren't coping mechanisms. Organizations like The Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt offer tips on how to make the most of a trying situation. They emphasize sticking with treatment like therapy appointments and journaling and also having a friend or two to call when you're feeling low.

Roth also recommends this thought exercise: what?s the best, kindest thing for you to do right now?

"People often confuse self-kindness with self-indulgence: that huge piece of pie is an indulgence, it's numbing -- it's not a kindness. Particularly if you know you?ll feel a little sick after you eat it," she explains. "Kindness is not just spineless and mushy. It's also awareness and resolve to follow through."

Getzfeld additionally recommends reminding yourself that the difficult situation you find yourself in is finite: "Take one day at a time, remember that it's a time-limited situation, and if for some reason you have relapse, it?s not the end of the world -- it?s situation specific and it doesn?t undo the work you?ve done."

That's echoed in the sentiment of Laura Collins Lyster-Mensh, who last year advised eating disorder survivors to remind themselves that the holiday comes just once a year.

So what should you do if you suspect a loved one is in crisis? Warning signs can be difficult to identify, as Getzfeld points out, because while anorexics may be visibly not eating at the table, bulimics can be in crisis without detection, as they might eat a typical amount with company around and then later binge and purge once everyone's out of the house or asleep.

"The best thing you can do is be sensitive to people?s needs, talk to them and don't take it personally," says Getzfeld.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Szczyrk- Snowboarding

Szczyrk- Snowboarding

vjmehra? Threads: 2
Posts: 9
Joined: Jul 3, 12
??? ?Yesterday, 00:42 ? ? #
We are thinking of going Szczyrk Snowboarding, over new years. The nearest Ski lift to our (preferred, we haven't booked yet) hotel is apparently the Skrzyczne Ski Lift.

However, we are both beginners and wondered if there are any English speaking snowboarding instructors and/or whether it is a good place for beginners to learn?

Zibi? Threads: -
Posts: 200
Joined: Jul 19, 12
??? ?Yesterday, 01:57 ? ? #
I think Czarna G?ra (in Sudety mts) or Wierchomla (Beskidy range) are more friendly do skiers, especially the beginners. The former is great, the latter is second best.
harryashi? Threads: 3
Posts: 24
Joined: Mar 1, 12
??? ?Yesterday, 12:19 ? ? #
I'm a level II snowboard instructor from BC, Canada living in Poland with 24 years of snowboarding experience. I've never been to this hill but by looking at the ski map it looks like a fine place to learn.
?Yesterday, 14:09 ? ? #
Youve got a few decent green runs once you get up on your snowboard and a choice of about 5 beginner slopes to find your balance.

Looks ideal for beginners.

Have you snowboarded before?

vjmehra? Threads: 2
Posts: 9
Joined: Jul 3, 12
??? ?Yesterday, 14:16 ? ? #
I have boarded before, however my fiancee hasn't ever been, so we're planning to get private lessons over there!
Ajb? Threads: 12
Posts: 347
Joined: Jul 14, 08
??? ?Yesterday, 14:44 ? ? #
I live just round the corner and do a lot of mid-week boarding in Szczyrk throughout the season.

To be totally honest I wouldn't say it's a good place for beginner, Skrzyczne has an old and somewhat inadequate lift system and for most of the season only the upper routes are open unless there is a lot of snow. The blue from the top contains a lot of flat sections and even a section most snowboarders have to walk up!

The second area - SON has only T bar style lifts but more options and is better for beginners.... if you don't mind T bar lifts.

If your set on Szczyrk I'd focus on the second area

If I were you, I'd look at Wis?a - more beginner friendly routes and new lift systems:

I know an epic instructor in Szczyrk, nice guy and great English - Jacek -

He taught my wife :)

Anything about the local area you want or need to know, let me know :)

Random: Poland and WWII. Why the Nazi's ivated Europe through Poland?

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