Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Prostate treatments rob men of manliness

Don?t let prostate cancer treatments steal your manhood

It?s pretty obvious why men feel ?less manly? after prostate cancer treatment ? the treatments themselves are emasculating.

With a penis that no longer shows any life?well except when it decides to pee into your pants. And testosterone levels so low they practically turn men into women. Is it really any wonder?

But one researcher claims men don?t have to feel less manly after prostate treatments, even with a penis as dead as a doornail ? because all they really need is a little more affection and communication.

Oh, and men have to be willing to ?revise their ideas about what makes them a man.?

If that sounds like psychobabble, that?s because it IS psychobabble ? the new study comes from a shrink (of course), who stumbled onto this great insight after interviewing 75 men over the age of 60 who were battling the emasculating side effects of prostate cancer treatments.

She discovered that some men take their loss of sexual function harder than others. And the ones who handle it best, she says, are the ones in the most affectionate relationships.


I don?t care how much affection you get. If your penis stops working, you?re going to feel like less of a man, period. If you want some psychobabble to explain why a few men might claim they?re OK with it, here?s a word you can use instead: DENIAL.

Either that, or maybe some of these guys were never very manly in the first place.

Here?s the real deal: When a man hears the words ?prostate cancer,? he doesn?t think about how the disease is harmless in most cases, and he certainly doesn?t think about the side effects of treatment ? only that he wants his cancer GONE.

Well, that wish comes true. The cancer is gone ? but so is his sex life, and no amount of affection and communication will ever bring it back.

And that?s why the best action a man can take to save both his prostate and his manliness is to avoid prostate cancer treatments and even prostate screenings in the first place.

Head to the beach instead.

Yes, the beach. As I explained earlier this year Harvard researchers reported that high D levels slashed the risk of dying of prostate cancer by more than half.

P.S. Sunshine isn?t the only way you can conquer prostate cancer naturally. While the mainstream continues to push unnecessary surgeries that can rob you of your manhood and dangerous drugs, our affiliate publisher Health Sciences Institute has the truth about how you can fight prostate cancer and win?naturally. Click here to learn more.

Source: http://douglassreport.com/2012/11/19/dont-let-prostate-cancer-treatments-steal-your-manhood/

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