Saturday, April 27, 2013

Skepchick | AI: Breast Cancer Slactivism is SO Lazy it goes on ...

Apparently, it?s that time of year again! You know. That time of year where your friends annoy the crap out of you by participating in some silly social media prank disguised as awareness. And lucky us! It?s about breast cancer AGAIN! Because as you know, there are so MANY people on FB still unaware that it exists and we have to raise consciousness because there are not enough pink balloons in the ariport. Ammirite!

Here is my weekly I-haven?t-had-enough-coffee-yet-but-I?m-still-talking video on the subject. Enjoy!

Slactivism. Definition from Urban dictionary: ?The act of participating in obviously pointless activities as an expedient alternative to actually expending effort to fix a problem. Signing an email petition to stop rampant crime is slacktivism. Want to really make your community safer? Get off your ass and start a neighborhood watch!?

Latest breast cancer stupidity

Text from image above that I read in the video:

Ok pretty ladies, it is that time of year again?support of breast cancer So we all remember last year?s game of writing your bra color as your status? Or the way we like to have our handbag handy? Last year, so many people took part that it made national news? and the constant updating of status reminded everyone why we?re doing this and helped raise awareness! Do NOT tell any males what the status means?keep them guessing!! And please copy and paste this in a message to all your female friends.The idea is to choose the month you were born and the day you were born. Pass this on to the GIRLS ONLY and let?s see how far it reaches around. The last one about the bra went around all over the world. YOUR STATUS SHOULD SAY: ?I am going to Mexico for 21 months.? The month you were born is the Place you are going, and the day you were born should be how many months you are gone?.
January ? Mexico
February ? London
March ? Miami
April ? Dominican Republic
May ? Paris, France
June ? Rome
July ? Hawaii
August ? California
September ? New York
October ? Puerto Rico
November ? Las Vegas
December ? Australia
Please do it, don?t be a spoil sport?show your awareness for Breast Cancer! Don?t forget to pass it on!

My response: No.

Is this helpful in any way? Am I a ?spoil sport? for refusing to play along and for discussing it here, in front of men? Are we hiding this ?TRUTH? from the men because we don?t want them to know that men can get breast cancer too? What better, more effective outreach could we do for breast cancer awareness?

ALSO! We had a COTW from last week?s post! WOOOT! Congrats to commenter, izillari! Izilari send me your shipping address through the contact link on the top of the page, Put ATTENTION SURLY AMY and I will send you your very own bar of Dove soap AND a surprise!

The winning comment: ?Beauty-schmeauty; when you make a soap that soothes murderous rage and repels swarming toxic commercial messages I might be interested, Dove.?

This week if we have a winning COTW in my post, I will send out a fabulous Surly surprise -something made by me! To participate in my Comment of the Week shenanigans and giveaways just reply to any comment that you find funny or poignant by putting ?COTW? in the message. I will pick a winner each week. Good luck and happy commenting!

The Afternoon Inquisition (or AI) is a question posed to you, the Skepchick community. Look for it to appear Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm ET.


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