Monday, May 27, 2013

Domestic Violence : Antisocial Personality Disorder Forum - Psych ...

Have you ever been the abuser in any of your relationships? If yes, how did you abuse your partner/s and why did you abuse them?

I am not going to admit to this. I don't consider it abuse.

Do you believe the person you abused deserved it? Why?

I didn't abuse them. It's just how relationships work. It's all about power and control.

Were your parents or care-givers ever abusive to you while you were growing up? If yes, why do you think they were abusive?

I don't think they saw it as abuse, nor did I until I looked some stuff up.

"Abuse" is an interpretation of mainstream society.

Have you ever been in a relationship where you were abused by your partner? If yes, how did he or she abuse you and why do you think they were abusive to you?

No, no one abuses me.

Some women (and men) seem to go from one abusive relationship to another. What do you think the reason for that is?

Because abusive people are often dominant and capable, or otherwise possess other desirable qualities, including those relating to abusiveness, and people are attracted to dominant and capable people, and people who possess desirable qualities.

A women may be attracted to an abusive man, for example, because his personality in general is desirable - dominant, tough, possibly charming, able to get what he (and thus she) wants, etc.

She will take abuse from a man like this, and understandably so. A woman knows that a man cannot simply turn off his dominant, aggressive, and thus attractive personality around her, and so she should expect some abuse. What makes him attractive also makes him abusive, so you take the bad with the good.

Same with men who are attracted to abusive women. They know they cannot have the good without the bad. Because the good and the bad are related. You take the whole package, or you get nothing.


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