Sunday, January 6, 2013

Letters | Guns, pets, grammar -

Democrats? giveaways

Medicare has unfunded liabilities exceeding $38.6 trillion. Social Security has unfunded liabilities exceeding $8.6 trillion.Naturally, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon wants to expand dependency by growing Medicaid in Missouri as well. True, the Affordable Care Act compels this increased dependency, but Nixon does not object. You see, when government dependency sets in, Democrats win.Missouri requires leadership to stop this growth of government dependency. Nixon?s plan is fiscally immoral.Although some may disguise government freebies as a compassionate act to help others, the reality is that it does damage to future generations financially, and it destroys a person?s dignity.I?m 25 years old. Nixon knows that he is destroying my generation?s economic future and our work ethic by handing out more taxpayer money. Additionally, Nixon?s plan relies on federal funds, so Missourians can count on compounding insult with injury by creating more debt.The old saying goes, ?Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he can feed himself for a lifetime.? Democrats know they get more political mileage out of giving away fish, not suggesting that people care for themselves. Ryan O?Hanlon BeltonSecond AmendmentGuns draw people into a very broad subject. I think now is one of the most important times to have the conversation about guns.Guns are dangerous things, but so are cars, knives and human beings in general. Some people think President Barack Obama is trying to ban guns, and that makes no sense.Americans would not go for any attempt to ban guns. Americans will stand up for the right to bear arms.If the government tried to take guns away, a war would break out. Our country was brought up to be tough and free. Banning guns would ruin all of that. Why don?t authorities go bust the guys selling crack?They shouldn?t go after Americans who just shoot guns for fun and hunting. Cole Foley Blue SpringsFirearms in classroomsThis is in response to Steve Breen?s cartoon on Jan. 2. It shows the National Rifle Association painting an assault rifle on the teacher.I bet that if you polled all the parents who have lost a child in a school shooting, nearly every one would say they wished there would have been at least one teacher or administrator there with a gun to stop the shooter. Also, the picture appears to be a 1950s classroom. They didn?t need teachers with guns back then as every boy in that class probably had his own 22-caliber rifle. Nancy Cantrell OlatheGuns and freedomMore than 220 years ago, our Founding Fathers signed a document saying we have our right to bear arms. We live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.I think freedom means being able to own a gun. Americans have owned guns for hundreds of years. Why would we change that now?Recently, there has been a lot of talk about banning guns. Yes, I understand that there is a lot of violence and murder involving guns.I understand that there are guns in the wrong hands, too. I also understand that there are other ways to hurt someone.If President Barack Obama were to ban guns, criminals who really wanted to commit crimes would find other ways to do it. They could just as easily use plastic bags to suffocate their victims.Others could use baseball bats to rob convenience stores and bash a few heads along the way. Should we ban baseball bats and plastic bags, too?Our Constitution says we have the right to bear arms. You and I live in a free country.Banning guns would make Americans question the authority of the rest of the Constitution. Layna Holt Lee?s SummitChiefs are clownsThe Kansas City Chiefs football players are so awful they are comical. Hollis Brazelton Lathrop, Mo.Pioli gets the bootClark Hunt, we thank you,In the name of all that?s holy,For pulling your Tony Lamas onAnd kicking out Scott Pioli. Clay Lozier LibertyPets need good homesThere need to be more no-kill shelters in the country. Reason being is I can?t fathom the idea of killing animals even when there are no homes for them.There actually are homes for them. It?s just that people are lazy and don?t want to go help an animal find a nice, loving home. The problem is that killing shelters are a bad idea. It?s pointless to kill an animal even though the pets don?t have homes. On the other hand, killing shelters are sometimes good things. The advantages include putting an animal out of its misery. But no-kill shelters are better in every way possible because they don?t actually kill animals.They find nice, loving homes and really good owners to buy pets and/or adopt them. There are millions of pets without homes, so go out and help one find a home. Jake O?Brien Blue SpringsGrammatical errorsI am writing about the epidemic that is the decay of the English language. The first (and most bothersome to me) instance is till vs. ?til. ?Til is the correct version of that word, although ?till? is an archaic word, so it is OK if you are writing like Shakespeare.The next most bothersome error to me is good vs. well. Good is to be used to describe a noun (a good pizza, a good deed, a good game), not to describe a verb. That is well?s job (?I am feeling well,? not ?I am feeling good?). Yet another error that bothers me is a lot vs. alot. Alot is not a word at all, though it is close to allot, which means to assign or designate.Yet another error that is all too common is homophonic errors, such as there, their or they?re; or your or you?re; or even two, to or too.These are very minor errors that, if they happen once, only annoy me a little bit. Sadly, though, I see or hear at least one of these every day at my school.?Till? next time, Matthew Sheahan Kansas CityCensorship hurtsI have personally never understood the point of censorship. I?m not talking about cuss words in songs or nude clips in movies but lies people tell.A lie is just someone protecting you from the horrible truth. Censorship is unhealthy.When kids are protected, it makes it harder for them to grasp the truth. It also takes away the true meaning of the English language. For example, if my mom had cancer I?d want to know instead of her saying she?s just sick.Not only is that a lie, it is censorship. Some may say it saves people?s emotions and feelings. To that I say every lie eventually finds the truth. When that truth is discovered, that hurts worse.Censorship doesn?t help anyone. It?s just one big lie that builds and builds until we hurt the ones we love.We need to ban censorship for the good of us all. Leah Justice Blue SpringsEnd GOP obstructionWhat are you going to do? This country cannot wait another fours years for the Republican Party to cooperate. The Democratic Party cannot wait another fours years for Republicans to stop being obstacles to new U.S. industry that cannot be outsourced.The U.S. cannot afford millions to have new jobs outsourced. Congress has failed the majority of the U.S. population. That 99 percent was the motor behind everything that had anything to do with the economy. Why did Congress allow that to be nearly destroyed?Why did Congress provide a tax code that protects profits on U.S. goods made abroad, in essence encouraging outsourcing of U.S. jobs by the millions. Members of Congress need to explain why they think the U.S. economy does not need millions upon millions of blue- and white-collar workers employed in the United States.Where did these conclusions come from? Corporate America was never going broke. Instead corporations have been making tons of profits.This large group posing as the GOP will not build bridges. The GOP as it was 33 to 50 years ago is dead. Richard Heckler LawrenceHummingbird beautyA hummingbird makes the longest migration of any bird. It breeds as far north as Alaska and winters as far south as Central America, migrating distances of up to 3,500 miles.A hummingbird has the largest brain in proportion to its body of any in the bird kingdom. Hummingbirds are very smart, and they can remember every flower from which they have ever sucked nectar.I just saw one outside my window and was glad I?m not addicted to texting. The primary remembrance by many young people when they are as old as I am will be of bright green glowing digits on the tiny message screen of a cellphone.Sadly, they might never see a hummingbird. Rolland Love Overland Park


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