Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolve to Improve Your Self Esteem: Part 1 |

1439336584 40fa18d768 m Resolve to Improve Your Self Esteem: Part 1

This week Disability Living is excited to be blogging about New Year?s resolutions and how they relate to disability. So far, we have published posts like?


? Will You Resolve to Exercise More? ?


? Make a New Year?s Resolution to Eat Healthfully ?


? Can Disabilities Help Someone Keep New Year?s Resolutions? ?


We encourage you to read the above posts and get inspired about 2013 and the possibilities it holds for you.


You can resolve to improve your self-esteem.

Some people think that self-esteem happens by chance, that either someone is born with a naturally high self-esteem or low self-esteem. While this may be in true in part, self-esteem can be changed for the better. In fact, you can resolve this year to improve your self-esteem.


Why should you work on your self-confidence level?

There are many reasons why a person should strive to improve his or her level of self-confidence/self-esteem. First, a higher self-esteem often results in a happier, healthier person who does not second-guess his/herself. Also, people who have healthy levels of self-confidence may experience more general success in life. This is because such people believe they will be successful, therefore they behave like successful people.


Those with disabilities often struggle with their self-image.

Sometimes people who have disabilities will especially struggle with their self-esteem. One of the reasons for this is that society rarely affirms those with disabilities. Additionally, media hardly ever portrays individuals with disabilities in a positive light (if at all) on TV shows, movies, etc. In general, people with disabilities are not given the respect all people deserve, which adds even more weight to the self-image struggle.

You can raise your self-esteem.

Do you have a low opinion of yourself? Do you feel that you are unattractive, unworthy of love, incapable of making good decisions, etc.? If so, be encouraged ? you can change that. Read about some practical ways to raise your self-image in 2013 by visiting DL?s blog post, Resolve to Improve Your Self-Esteem: Part 2 (


Do you have a healthy self-image?

If you are an individual with a disability who has a healthy self-image, we definitely want to hear from you. Comment on this post and let us know how you influence your self-esteem for the better. Also, tell us how you handle situations in which people treat you less respectfully than you deserve. We appreciate your comments!





Image made available by Corey Ann on Flickr through Creative Commons License.

*Please note: All research for this article is compiled from direct and third party sources. Mention of programs, organizations and companies does not imply support of The National Benefit Authority. ?Pictures are for creative purposes only; they are not intended to sell or promote products for the NBA and belong to the accredited individual, organization or company.

Let?s Talk About It


On a scale of 1-10, how healthy would you say your self-esteem is?


Do you feel it is harder for an individual with a disability to have a high self-esteem?



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